Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Holy Crap, Has it been 9 months already? Cross season is here. NAAA!! Its just the sounds of chaos that drug me from my "other" gig.Maybe I can stop by from time to time just to make sure TMS doesn't get soft? But from the smell of the pot that got stirred over at the Finkelstien residence that wont be necessary.So since im here i may as well let you know whats been on my mind. Im not gonna go into his house, I have this strong belief i never go where have not been invited.
So what do i have to say that's irrelevant to TMS? I have been thinking out of my box lately. I also have been thinking about alot of you as well, and I think i know you. I think maybe its time we create some stories. You know something we can talk about at the water cooler, or at the coffee shop or to the kids in the classroom or that fuck at the car wash.
What do i mean? do something different this year, create and try new things in your world. could be bike related could be not... The stories of TOSRA, in 87, the old group ride and so and so of 95, Ragbri, back in 98 are dated. The 02 Tailwind Time trail series is long gone. Poto needs a rest. And lord knows you can only shave of mere Milli seconds of Island before father time takes more from you. Try a new race/trail, maybe Mountain bike if your a roadie. Go find a new group ride once this year, no one says you have to go every weekend. Ride somewhere different. it isnt gonna kill your plan. How about a new riding partner, dont feel like you have to slap butts with this person or ride hundo's every weekend maybe once or twice is nice. Dam change that god awful thousand yard stare to smile its ok to talk about shit other than who's doping and who is wearing what.
No one says you cant tell stories about your past life, but life is too short to sound like a broken record, problem is most of us just get stuck in a rut and say fuck it. theirs alot of good shit out there to be done other than make excuses, play games and make silly comments and smug looks on Facebook, tout numbers, brag about how it used to be. Give that same disgruntled bastard on his way from the office, something different to take his anger out on instead of the side of your head.

making new stories...
just a thought...

Regards Henry.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully you'll cut out the nostaglic BS like "back in the day when BLAH BLAH BLAH"

I mean, step into 2011 already. Cut out - "that's how we did it in 1997"


Timothy Finkelstein said...

Remember, I invited you in my house years ago:

Anonymous said...



Hopefully you'll cut out the nostalgic BS like "back in the day when BLAH BLAH BLAH"

talk to T about that.

Timmy F
Remember, I invited you in my house years ago:

i wasn't working here at that time. thanks in advance.


Unknown said...

pegmansky, you see this shit?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? It seems with the races moving at such a faster pace, we lose days, weeks, months and sometimes we lose years and look up and realize its already 2011. Anyone else remember the Meingast domination in racing like it was yesterday?

Anonymous said...

yes, or the Mulijak/Adams, war, LIL pony and Russ Tiles. James Webster winning the State road race..