Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Everyones got a plan...

What do you punk asses know about champions? Aint none of you ever been a champion! If there are 2 things I know about its knowing what it takes to be a champion, and dirty bitches. And if you don't what out for the dirty bitches, they can take everything away from you. And when you try to bitches smack the dirty and nasty bitches up, they will still come out on top! And your ass will end up in the clink! So buy the looks of this punk ass weather up here, don't be hatin when some of the dirty and nasty bitches clean your shit out!

Elite bros Clean and dry - SvenDirty and nasty - Wiz, but the Pony could ride again if its all jacked up!

Elite Bitches Clean and dry - Kelly P. Dirty and nasty - Queen Anne could regain her throne if she is all healed up!

Masters 35+ dry lil Simon, Muddy..double J............. JMAK, or JGOOD.

Masters 45+ Clean and dry - SlayerDirty and nasty - Slayer - old dude is riding like the angel of death. But will DC come down and spoil the day.

B Clean and dry - RainvilleDirty and nasty - anyone body that wants it. Yapp for the taking. But who really wants it?

C bros -39 Clean and dry - John HoopingarnerDirty and nasty - any bady that wants it. But it still favors the single speeder.

C older... and dry - Matt FillDirty and Nasty -

Singlespeed.. hard to call. But I like the heart of Surly Bastard Dettman if the shit gets real thick!

-All the Bitches will be out for this one trying to steal some shit.

Aint nothing clean and dry about a dirty nasty bitch!

“The tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world.”—Mike Tyson

1 comment:

TP said...

Boom! I may have to sneak away for the day and take in a few drinks, heckle and spit on myself! Gonna be crazzeeee.