Thursday, May 30, 2013

Maybe your right, maybe it is like that, Lord knows my kettle is black...and I don't doubt it sometimes I touch a nerve or two...for crying out loud sensitive types..Are we all that thinned skinned..opinions and often truth is demonic that you cant even breathe it for just a few seconds out of your day..Christ..But i ask whats up with this?..Having a nice long convo/debate with one my favorite people about why it is the way it......
What it and maybe this is a little premature..the low turnout/participation on certain events..year after after some events have slowly withered away into wafer like status..mind you its not all of the classes though..more times than not its the upper that started out it solid only to falter within a few years..We sat and rambled on and on what the theory's may be taking three random undisclosed races into consideration.. with the thought of only the 1/2 field..... mind you its TMS and haters are gonna hate..its opinions and thoughts..thats all we aint beating your children and drownin puppies..

  •  simply the "Lance effect" road cycling/racing is basically dwindling in the wake..
  • Boredom..why travel 2+ avg hrs to race the same old course..
  • Guys just got old and commitments and priority have changed.
  • The courses are too hard, why go and get dropped
  • poor pay outs
  • Better races mid week leaving some spent or the weekend open to do what ever.
  • Too many choices on the same weekend
  • Timing
  • cost factor
Those are just a few we tossed around..To take a bigger look..The MTB scene and going months a head........ lord knows the Cyclocross season isn't much brighter..But the thing about it is..looking out of our box and in a Tri state area things are little different..Ex.. Wisco has the WORS series, Ohio has the Cincy three day..etc.. Im not sitting here hating and disrespecting and I don't have the answer or know exactly how to fix it..but maybe some decent thoughts can  shed some light on it..
I dunno..


Anonymous said...

Get some good races in the D region? 3 crits not really going to get everyone racing in the area. Waterford isn't enough to grow the sport, it just helps stabilize it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kensington road race?

Anonymous said...

surprisingly people bitched about that one.

But if you were to run the short course like the one late summer, it would kill dudes.

Anonymous said...

I'm broke. I'll do way more races if I ever get a better job

Anonymous said...

I think this weekend is showing low pre regs for a variety of reasons, but my guess is the biggest reason is this weekend is competing with the next 2 for everyone's time and money. Having back to back or even back to back to back races is awesome, and we are lucky that we have 3 weekends in a row with these opportunities. But this sport/hobby takes a lot of time and money. If you can swing all of the races over the next 3 weekends you have some free time and some bucks. Chances are you might be able to swing 2 of the weekends, and if that is the case which 1 of the 3 isn't making the cut? My guess is most people are cutting out on The WB and doing some yard work, kid raising or money earning. I don't make the schedule, and I appreciate those that do, but maybe if there is a next time try to spread out the weekends with multiple on site events.

Anonymous said...

AMEN. I for one cant afford multiple weekends of overnights. Too costly i like the races I just can swing it.

very valid point.

Anonymous said...

Joe was the best. Promotion: Now get out and race!

Anonymous said...

ditto 11:56PM

moving Cherry Roubaix to June is going to hurt attendance at WB, CR, and MT P.

CR and MTP are higher profile so WB loses the most.

us workin stiffs can't race 24/7

Anonymous said...

Fuck. Tailwind is as useful as USAC. That right there kills the MTB and CX seasons in SE Michigan. Look at the numbers, failwind anit got shit on Rick Plite or Endoman, et cetera.