Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Bed kept warm by the body of Venus

BRX keeps fillin them up

Spring fling now just another season for some

being TMS is now becoming tiring

Peak to Peak has weather that nearly kills folks

Lathrup riders take each other down at B-ham breaking the Evil-Dudes wing

KIDA signs with Bissell

Das German rides Michigans best of his wheel up north and wins the state road title

Kolo-TC appears

Roadking spills the Kool-Aide

Steve Brojlio wins three titles and still is kinda of a unknown

DC spends 5 days a week breathing and two suffocating people

The Highlander owns the Black Aces hood for a day

Monkeys are everywhere

Danny G is possibly the next cross honch

Paramachicken returns to form and nearly gets back that trophy

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