Sunday, January 08, 2017

Fonzies Place

Hey Nerds.....sorry im late...

Cool place ya must be cuz im willin to hang out with ya..when the folks at TMS said they were hurtin for some new opinionated but cool assholes...some how my name got tossed in the ring...although cool but not an asshole..I said...Ayyyy...Im all for makin nerds look good..but of all the nights they through at put my name on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i chose Sunday..

Seems befitting since its been kinda like ladies nite..and who else other than the Fonz knows chix..The gals of TMS cant be judged on there good looks alone..The fonz aint that shallow..only nerds judge women that way..

stick around or be a loser and  sit on it..either way..Its cool

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