man ive been jazzed to get this going..ya know something about the opposite sex, or same sex if thats your style..not the Fonzes style but whatever right.??.live and let live..Id love to love them all..but i barely have time to love the few i got in the rightways......
Ive been gifted with a panel of great people that have submitted to me a list of the better half they wanna see on the show..So i cant cover them all in the short 15 min that TMS has allowed me to so lets get going...

the ageless Morgan heres a dame from my time...i love a woman that knows what she wants..Falcon rich, classy and probably filled with a lot of plastic Ayyyy!

Rock Chix of the 80s..woa! and Vixen had ringers didnt they?

Holy Smoke did Pat B have it going on or what..that leotard.. that voice and a unmistakable set of lips! The Fonz dated a girl back in the day just cuz she looked like thats how dedicated i was to her..

James Dean, Marilyn. Sal Mineo..etc..they say the good die young..Woman love men that can make them laugh..truth is dudes love it too and Brittany Murphy always had the Fonz grinin..miss ya girl

Fonz loves Dames that can scare him alittle..there isnt anything wrong with alittle crazy if you catch my drift..and Grace Jones fits that bill right? i can watch that video demolition man over and over cept i like to be under a blanket in a dark just peeking out alittle at time..fabulous skin and im ok with the military cut. ya know.......................................................................your crazy bitch but you....

Beautiful gals are everywhere..but dont leer and smack..thats not a gentleman and enjoy it properly...
I'm convinced Morgan Fairchild made a deal with the Devil. She still looks great!
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