Sunday, February 10, 2019

Burger Time

Because the folks at TMS love food almost as much as bikes and what not now..we decided its silly not rate one of most favorite pre-race meals
Tonight we now officially launching

 the Burgerater 
its a simple rating system 1 thru 10 taste set aside because we can't taste images..this all based off appearance and presentation...

The Bun looks good, but the rest is questionable..seems too cheesed up and what in the heck is that slab of meat its topped off with it..i do love the onions!

7 on 10 scale 

The meat looks like a Bubba Burger patty and the impatient cook should let the cheese melt more..

4/10 stars

yea..double patty cooked a little pink, chopped onions, and two cheese layers

If this patty is sitting in a bed of coleslaw im happy.

.but in my opinion, the meat looks overcooked

Classic burger with real veggies..although it appears to be staged..
The onion straws saved this one from a sub-par rating...

Crying because burgers of this height are just plain ridiculous..who in gawds name can open up that wide to take this beauty..and as soon as you cut it in half it falls apart and your left to eat it with a fork 

Classic  In and Out burger
this looks like the kind of burger my buddy says once you pick it up you don't set it down until its gone

Ok Ok Ok.................
Not really a burger in traditional burger standards....but somehow it's on the burger menu at the local bar and grill
They had me try at the complimentary pickles and lemonade 

No rating on this one


Anonymous said...

solid content. Where can we send pics of our own burgers to be rated?

Henrietta Collins said...


Anonymous said...

solid content. Where can we send pics of our own burgers to be rated?

9:14 PM