Friday, October 04, 2019

1.the chix..enough fuckin already with the promoting of friends
2.NO im not buy into your "Fans Only" page..
3.All the dam ads..i dont want a fuckin knife, Fake sunglasses or new fuckin Jeep
4.The chix again..fuck post more pics that havent been glamour shotted
5.chix...whats with all the big ass shots
6. Those thousand yard stares...
7.Are they really makin that much money off there Patreon account
8. Nope not into home depot
9.Thick gals..ok ok ..i know your body positive
10.Girls getting hurt....why is it soo funny
11.because kids getting hurt isnt
12.Animals doing funny things...
13.Fat asses jumping dirt bikes over shit
14.Moms on Instagram
15.middle schoolers

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