Friday, June 19, 2020

  1. Waterford re-opens.......The Flying Rhinos throw a TT party
  2. Base Media crashes it and cashes in...
  3. Bars and restaurants re-open
  4. Gosh people can’t decide to horde food or gorge themselves 
  5. Cedar Point re-opens..
  6. Everyone is a solo-rider for the time being
  7. Bike shops re-open
  8. Yea..they have bikes only if you want to spend 2k
  9. The Nike outlet store re-opens
  10. Standing in line for Jordan’s never felt soo good
  11. The Michigan bottle return begins again 
  12. Most machines seize up on the first day
  13. Barbers and Salons get the nod..
  14. Hairstylist can now be true artist with these horrible heads of hair
  15. Fuc all that I’m still avoiding humans for now...

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