Tuesday, June 16, 2020

You might be a Strava Turd..

I suppose you’re wondering what is a guy like me doing in a place like this...some of you might recognize me as that great stand up comedy artist from HBO and the Jeff Foxworthy show...

”you might be a redneck”...

Well there’s more to Jeff than just talking about red necks....yep some might know this but I’m a great fan of cycling..well now I don’t ride DTE every weekend...never been to Poto...nope have not slugged it out with all the Base Media kids at Waterford...don’t plan on ever EverWresting...the Derby ride is not on my to do list...can’t see myself ever seeking the truth pilgrimage to Snake Ally.....Hell I ain’t even done a Iceman...but what I do admire more than a few things in cycling is the world you folks have called Strava...yep that fun place where cyclists..and runners too for that matter can go and go show there talents..some are in for many reasons...but the fact remains it’s a place for feelings and emotions some might know existed in athletic competition...
So when I spotted the job posting a few weeks back on the bathroom stall at the TnA truck plaza for summer help on this blog...I couldn’t resist throwing my hat in the ring...I’m gonna keep this intro short and jump right on into why I’m here...

Let’s face it folks..if your a Strava user..chances are you probably got some followers...and more than likely you got nice friendly people who follow you and admire your abilities...and it’s safe to assume as well they often give the Strava like symbol called Kudos...lets be honest...it feels good to be acknowledged...people in this day in age like to be cyber liked..and on Strava it can be for anything from smashing a KOM or just riding that same loop you like to do....


Now ask yourself this one question...
Are you that person that never gives Kudos..?
For whatever reason it might be ...never touch the that little icon with the famous thumbs up symbol?

Chances are you might be a Strava Turd...

And if you are...in fact a “Strava Turd”...that does this...

Jeff has two simple suggestions..

first one..
Stop being a self centered prick.and change your ways and start making people feel good..
hit that icon a few times...

is it really that hard..?..
it’s painless and will cost you nothing to your current Strava account... make someone smile..and it will improve your image among those happy people that follow your activity's...
because trust me people can smell a turd a segment away..

if you can’t get over being that non liking type person...
I think it would be in your best interest to go and block all of your followers. Just delete the entire crowd...
because you my friend are a Turd...
and obviously don’t need anyone...

until you change your ways your new Icon is..

have a nice night people

see you next week
Jeff Foxworthy...

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