Friday, September 25, 2020

  1. Vagina Cams are the new thing for Instagram cycling chix
  2. TMS is considering open up a Amazon wish list...
  3. What? We can’t dream? 
  4. We love high heels and cos-play as much as next person...
  5. CX starts this weekend...
  6. Sorta
  7. Brent Walk is running the show....who wudda thunk...
  8. Wonder if number plates will make a return 
  9. Everyone is talking bout it..
  10. But less than 70 will show
  11. Less than 5 will be riding tubies 
  12. its never been the same without BigMac and the Cross bastard..
  13. Base Media is planning on fielding a huge squad 
  14. but its highly doubtful that Bases new recruit the Grayling Giant will show..
  15. Wakely on Base Media....whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
  16. Who else is left?...
  17. Rumor has it the gravel-king is coming to the cross scene
  18. It’s a veeered...veered world.....


Anonymous said...

Who is the gravel king?

Anonymous said...

Alex T I believe.

Anonymous said...

used to be Yankus.

Anonymous said...

Jordan on Base media?
less than 8 months.