Sunday, November 22, 2020

Fonzie and his golden things of coolness..and a few that ain’t...

Small bikes....equal small head tubes..and thats rad...

The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant to the power of the force...

AYYYYYY..did you get a chance to check the Evolution of Dio two nights ago?

the Little man with a big voice has been singing longer than the Fonz has been drag racin..I hope the good folks above are enjoying his company..

Freddie was more than Bohemian Rhapsody..A night at the Opera..Sheer heart Attack on the playlist on a regular basis

A good night to watch the Rock opera Tommy..

Just like sticker placement on your ride..
tattoo placement wins cool points..

Double the cool points for the color of that BMC!!!and those nails...WOA 

Quite possible the raddest scene next that hand made planet exploding..

Id play the shit outta this on a day like we had today....

that color + 4 cool points
those tan sidewalls + 6 cool points
the logo on the down tube..-3 cool points..

Hey Richey..
yea Fonz..
Ya know whats lame..
whats that..
when you start something and dont finish..
even the Fonz went back and got his diploma...
if you got something you started that aint done..finish it or kill it..

What is this guy carrying...?

Power ranking..yea it was fun..maybe next year...

Having a sense of humor is the spice of life..stop being such an up tight asshole and let people laugh..people that laugh are happy..and happy people are much more fun to be around than A up-tight belly-aching nerd...

Quarters and levels..instead likes  and followers....

Yea Fonz..
Go your own way..but be a rad human all the same..

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