Tuesday, December 08, 2020


Well Sherman..I hope you got your traveling clothes on, as we are about travel back in time...back to around 2005. 

Sherman it was a glorious, time be pedaling a bicycle and pinning numbers on Lycra. The scene was booming, so much to do and so little time. Team camps were popping up quicker than Strava segments. Everyone with a different type and flavor, road, mountain bike teams CX squads and the forefront of this time period was one the Scenes most respected crew...

Jason lower Huron CX

Simonster USAC State CX championship Munson Park 

Sherman they had it all, fast elite riders that were likable as well, super quick attractive ladies, made in Michigan rigs, and to top it off beer brewed right here in the mitten. Yes sir, this was the definition of the Michiganscene style. Of course the Bells beer team had to start somewhere. Early on the crew were aboard Giant NSR full suspension Bikes, ridden by guys like Rick Noonan, Tom Archer.. later a more refined batch of fellas became mounted to the once popular Trek top fuels. Time was moving fast and i think the Brew crew knew it too..

But then it was as if a magical bird flew in through the window, and the team got on newly formed Quiring team bikes. 


The Alpine boys were fine, but something about this group Sherman never  before and not since has package look so insanely dialed as first edition of the Bells/Quiring team. Guys like Jason Lummis, and John Meyers, The Simomster, Joberon..Ultra fast and quickly gone McDreamy.

Up and coming MikeAnderson 

and Michigans owner former semi world tour pro Scotty Stewart made a brief appearance in the spectacular threads.

Erin somewhere in Pennsylvania 

And the lady’s..WOA. Out of the Dark horse squad came a fairly unknown gal named Erin Vicary..and she pretty much cleaned up everything she started. 

Sherman..the times were good a full crew flying the now standard 29 er flag..a dialed before social media in your face right now...a great website, awesomely directed fun videos would adorn it. They even had there own house band....

The team had gained even more steam after a Huge Simonster ICEMAN win. Wins off road were not the only thing the team could muster, Jason won a CX title in the bells kit on snowy cold day in December. 

And through Joberon on a road bike inside a cat3 race or Waterford worlds and it was sheer fun.

Years would pass riders would move on relationships would end and folks grew apart. A severe accident would stop the path of Jason Lummis. Simonster would move on to other pastures 

The team would see a brief reprise in 2011 in now a female squad of Erin, and super quick Canadian name Sue Stephens, the girls word carry The flag flew for a number of years posting nice solid results. Until ultimately injuries took there toll and the jerseys were quietly put away.

But Sherman Warm memories of that orange smiling sun those killer after parties, those bikes.. forever wrests on the highest spot of the TMS totem pole 


sworksredace said...

Fuxk thanks for the walk down memory lane. Almost forgot about that rigid Giant 26er the Simonster rode

Anonymous said...


Henrietta Collins said...

That might be the only PRO Team kit and bike I’d pay for and wear/ride today. Good stuff🤘🤘

Anonymous said...

10:03 PM


Matt said...

I was in that race with Joe in Fenton. Alexey, attacked on the last lap and road away from the group, he was only fourteen at the time and many of us didn't know who he was. I recall seeing how he was riding and trying to encourage a chase but the other riders didn't believe he could stay away. Joe and I decided to put in an effort together which was fruitless and it came down to a group sprint for second. After that race I remember telling Jeff Noftz about this kid who clearly had the skills to make it to the big show, sure enough he did.

Matt said...

Ah shit that was Milford, now I saw the sign in the background and the train crossing. Story is still true and a memorable race.

