This blip comes to us from one of Longest standing cross members in our scene, Jer Walker has been to more cross nats than anyone in our state. He sends us this brief history of Cross in michigan, sit back, read enjoy.
10 Years of Pain
Boy a decade can fly by. Sunday marked my 10th Michigan State Championship race. As part of the Michigan Scene, I've been around the sport of 'cross for a long time. 'Cross is the one sport that just holds a special place for me. I can't explain it, but I guess you have to have some sort of masochistic tendencies to love something that hurts so bad.
I can remember back when Robert first got 'cross started. We had three races on two courses at Pontiac Lake: the boat launch and the campground. I still wish we could go back to the campground. This was back in the day when Scott Quiring ruled the roost riding for the Bianchi/Martini Factory team. The West Side gave us hell with guys like Uhler, Gillespie, Shoberg, Tiles, and Watts. KISS Cross had yet to be born, but Templar was out there planting the seeds. Jeff Weinert rode a steel Bianchi, Brian Adams had yet to go to Belgium, and Jon Card was still giving blood on the Pro NORBA circuit. Guys like Wooldridge, Van Wesep, and Horski were tough customers. Back in the time when there was a "Traditional Cyclocross" class for the few guys who actually had 'cross bikes. A lot of the Usual Suspects we still see today were out there: Bruley, Cameron, Wolowiec, Seaman, and the unstoppable Herriman. I was a 205 lb doughboy back then, racing in a Sport class with Dan Bowman. Who knew back then we'd see him turn Pro on the road? Foshag had yet to discover the masochism that is 'cross, but it wouldn't be long. Frank McCormack won Nationals in Boulder. Pontoni tore it up in Germany.
1998 was an important year for Michigan 'Cross. Robert expanded the series to five events. Racing returned to Bloomer, the site of the very first State Champiosnhip back in the 80's. More guys came out to giver a go. Don Cameron got help from Paul Dunn and Dale Kosik, back when Tom Nell was going strong. There was the first SuperCup in Chicago (actually Naperville) back when Saturn was unstoppable and put Dale Knapp into a tree letting Bart Bowen ride away while Quiring, Adams, and Shoberg fought hard to stay in the top 30, a feat even back then. Adam Watts won the Junior race and wore the first SuperCup leader's jersey. Jerome Pellerito rode around in Army boots and rat trap pedals, emabarrassing so called fast guys on countless occasions. Foshag came out to touch his fear for the first time, getting hooked just like the rest of us junkies. I got my first 'cross bike. It was a Nishiki road frame that Foshag had some canti mounts welded to. I did my first "A" race that year getting absolutely destroyed and lapped by Quiring, Weinert, et al. Trevor Thomas came out and yes, his calves were bigger than his thighs back then too. He had Popeye syndrome, except in his legs. Later that year, Quiring, Adams, and some others would go to Danvers, MA to wage war in the snow at Nationals. Little brother McCormack would win the Elite race. On the World level, DeClerq would win his first of three.
1999 was another good year for Michigan 'Cross. The archives are missing, and I'm a little foggy, but I recall Brett Robinson coming out of the woodwork to claim one at Bloomer. I got a little better and was one of the first guys to run two bikes. I worked at Great Lakes Cycling back then and even dragged out a mechanic out to all the races. Some guy we all thought was posing in a Navigators kit came to Lower Huron and killed us all. That poser turned out to be Paul Martin. The SuperCup peaked at seven events. I went to my first Nationals (and the last one that had weather worth a damn) at the Presidio where there were 10,000 fans screaming for anyone riding a bike. My domestic hero Gully won riding away from the Saturn juggernaut. Declerq would totally pimp Vervecken in the final lap in Poprad, while a kid from Wisconsin would win the Junior World title and Timmy J got the bronze against Wellens and Vanthourenhout.
Weinert came to the fore in 2000 and won his first of many State titles. Card moved back into town and decided to give 'cross a try showing up on a white Redline with Runkel levers (pre-top mount brake levers), road chainrings, and his tires cranked up to 70 psi. That was funny watching his technique back then. Bruley ate the pavement like nobody's business at Stoney when we used to go up and around the paved cul de sac at the old course. Weinert and I travelled for the first time together going all over the place including Landisville, PA; Amherst, MA (Adam's race was still the best even back then. I still have the photo of myself going over the barriers in that awful Jogmate kit I wore); and all the SuperCups. Nationals were in Kansas City in a blizzard and sub-zero temps. Weinert would have won had he not dropped his chain. Card went and got 10th with too much air in his tires. Weinert got called to the line back before UCI points in the Elite race and got to run out of a smoking tent. Lyle knew how to put on a race. TJ won on the frozen tundra. Groenendaal got his at home in St. Michelhistel.
2001 was my worst year as a racer, but my favorite as a fan of the sport. I graduated college, got married, and got a real job. I was a mess and quit the season promptly after the State Championship. Card would take his first victory this year edging out Weinert at Lower Huron. Wiz came and dabbled not racing nearly as strong as he has this past year. Even the infamous Al McWilliams came out to play. Paul Stanton had transformed himseld into a contender, but decided that being a Dr. would be more lucrative. That year's State Championship race was the be all end all of State Championships. Everybody and their brother from the West Side (including a 17 year Brent Bookwalter) came and was serious. Jeff and I put together what was a revolutionary course design for Michigan in that time at Stoney Creek. Card took the sport seriously enough to get smart and improved dramatically, if only that last corner hadn't been there. I'll never forget Card Corner. He should have won, but dumped it and Weinert jumped all over the chance to snag another one and he did. Then he rolled it all the way to Baltimore where he dropped the 10 pound sledgehammer on the field in the 30-34 race bunny-hopping his way to victory. That is one of my best memories in cycling. Card gave it a sweet shot to finish 4th, but would be a DNS for the Elite race after he boneheaded and crashed trying to ride with a trainer in one hand. That was pretty funny in hindsight. Todd Wells came out of nowhere and he also bunnyhopped his way to victory in the Elite race. My hero Vervecken won his first title and Groenendaal was the first guy to have Dugast with green Michelin treads.
2002 was another transition year of sorts. Weinert completely dominated, winning every race he started in Michigan, even after breaking his arm bunnyhopping at Stoney. I started to come into my own taking my first top 5 in the Elite race at Bloomer. Wiz chased me around at every race. Robert had seven venues and great courses at each one. There were more people on 'cross bikes than mountain bikes. Steve Mlujeak came out to race. I rode the Last Monkey Hill there would be. Nationals were in Napa, CA where we gathered two of every bike to put on the Arc as it rained over 18 inches in just three days. The course had to be completely altered since the multi-million dollar vineyard that was our venue didn't want a bunch of skinny dorks in lycra ripping up their fields. Jeff got the number 1 call to the line, but it was not meant to be. The Terminator won his first of three as there was no running or barriers what so ever. Card saw the one that got away as he rode off the front (totally psyching out Chris D'Alusio) and was on the verge of winning until an untimely flat cost him the win. JP scored his first of many in the Elite race. DeClerq decided he wanted another one in Zolder in what was the most ferocious last lap of a 'cross race I've ever seen.
2003 was a big year for Michigan 'Cross. Robert organized our first UCI race with the help of Michael Rabe. It attracted riders from all over. Jeremy Powers would take the big win and party like a rock star later that night. He didn't get back to my house until we were packing the car to go to the next day's race. The Blue Wave had formed and started to take a strong hold on the local scene. The State Championship was at Lower Huron minus an ailing Weinert. Card won handily while I was hunted down like a dog by Foshag, Wiz, and Griffith. I jammed my chain and had to run all the way to the pit settling for 5th. Foshag learned not to sprint from the hoods. Nationals were in Portland for the first of two years that saw hub deep mud that the Michigan riders were not prepared for. JP won again showing the form he had from killing it in Europe. Wellens rode away in Italy.
The 2004 season opened at Bloomer and dudes came out early to test their form. The UCI race moved to Waterford Hills becoming far more compliant with the UCI guidelines. Even more guys came out than the year before. Jeff rode off the front like we were all standing still. I had a hot ride and finished 8th to score my first ever UCI points. Some mountain bike racer showed up to Lower Huron as Jeff and I finally dismantled Paul Martin. That mountain biker turned out to be a new Mike Simonson. Young Gun and Moncel were out there having fun too. Simonson gave me fits at Stoney with his uncross like riding. The wind blew course tape into my wheels and off he went. The next week I finally got to uncork one taking my first win at Vet's Park in Ann Arbor. The State Championship moved to Munson and Weinert won his fourth in style while I chased in vein to grab second. Card rounded out the top three marking our first sweep of the podium. Nationals were back in Portland and this time we were all prepared. Jon rode his balls off and got 4th. I did my first Master's National and got 28th. JP won again, but not without a challenge from Treefarm. Jeff had a sweet Elite race. Wellens won again in a sprint against old man DeClerq.
In 2005 I barely made it to the first race. I had had a terrible summer with a family death and wasn't sure I wanted to race bikes anymore. The UCI race at Waterford turned into a double, drawing even more riders than ever. It was hard and Powers came back to win both. Bloomer went even worse and I got lapped for the first time in a long time. I took a break from racing to get refocused. It paid off with a huge win at the State Championship. It was 24 degrees and snow covered. That beach sure would have been fun if it were dry and warm. Foshag came into the light and got second. Weinert won the series (again). Card finally started riding with pressure lower than his age. Nationals were back on the east coast in Providence. The 'Cross Gods love this time of year as they usually serve up some kind of freak weather. This year it was a blizzard that actually forced the organizers to cancel the rest of the day, my race included. Ask Jeff what happens to a guy when he slathers up in Hot Balm and his race gets cancelled. He'll have a funny story for you. Foshag scored the result of his life with an 8th in the 35-39, but nearly paid for it with his limbs as suffered from frostbite. I put together a great ride to get 10th in the 30-34 race and secured a spot on the front row for the next year's race. JP rode around with the alien and had to settle for 3rd. Todd Wells surprised everybody winning another one. Sven Nys finally got it right.
I really can't say too much about 2006, at least from the Michigan scene. The Michigan Scene was born and blogs took over for anyone who couldn't get enough information or trash talk. I moved to Lancaster, PA for work and would have to slug it out week after week on the UCI circuit. The UCI races had to be moved to Springfield Oaks due to a conflict at Waterford. Baker came out and schooled all of us. Card rode great on the first day to get 9th. Wiz rode solid for two days showing definite signs of improvement. Card kept his form going in the right direction picking up a win at Stoney. Wiz scored his second Michigan win at Lower Huron in a shootout. Card did it again at Vet's Park. The Blue Wave rode another TTT at Munson and this time Foshag took it. Card took Bloomer after Weinert had to take a nap. I came back to Michigan to defend my title, afterall, my wife still lives here and I wasn't about to let anyone have the championship without a fight. For those of you who were there, you know what happened and hopefully you have regained your breath and feeling in your hands and toes. Card won his 4th of the year and his second State title. Young Gun stepped up this year and deserves the most aggressive rider award. Wiz took on the Blue Wave all by himself and is no worse for wear. With one big weekend left to go at Nationals, the Michigan Scene is looking poised to do well. Hopefully there will be a jersey making it's way back home. Vervecken won again since it was held last February.
Hopefully, this chronicling of the last decade of 'cross was insightful. I've seen a lot of dudes come and a lot of dudes go and I see all the warriors who are still standing after all these years. I've been around. turned around. Made to see new eyes. Burning in my head. Color Bends. Liar friends. New eyes. Seeing the Black and White. Ripped away. Burned away. Strength and beauty it lives, in the Black and White.
Waterford likely marked my farewell to The Michigan Scene. Work is going to have me on the move again soon and it won't be back to Michigan. Hopefully I will still be able to race 'cross. I'm not sure what I would do without it. I got to know a lot of you over the years. I know sometimes I come off harsh when I have my gameface on. I apologize for that. I take this sport way more seriously than anyone not getting paid to do it should. I really am on ok guy that likes to talk to all of you believe it or not.
Thanks to everyone who makes The Michigan Scene, from all the racers in every category who show up to throw down, to Robert Linden who puts on all the events, to Dave Massey who calls one hell of a race, to Steve Baloguh for starting the whole photo thing and getting all the other great shooters out there (Gatto, Olander, Nyberg, and all the past greats), to Joe Lekovish for being the Hype Machine, to all you bloggers who keep me wanting more (even if I don't agree), and finally to all the friends and family that support our self-indulgent asses. You all make it a great thing and you shouldn't take it for granted. The 'cross community is too small to be petty. Just be cool. I'm glad to know that I was a Scener and this was my view of it all. I'd love to hear all the other views of it all, especially since I don't know much about the other classes. Good luck to everyone. Hope to see you down the road.
I got this from Jeff regarding the State Champions since Robert took control:
"Here's the breakdown from the past years. There were State Championships held prior to 1997 but not many people can recall who won. Robert told me he won a State Championship race back in the early '90s along with Bernie Klinkie (antoons rider) but who knows...Jeff Noltz along with Dale Hughs used to run cyclocross races and the State championships out of Bloomer in the early days but he has no idea who won or showed up. The history of the sport is a bit hazy at best. 1997 was tailwinds 1st season ...Robert has archives of all his events. Back in the early days we had that whole elite 29 under and 30 over. The state Champion was the fastest rider on the day, not the guy who won that particular class. Boy was that a flawed system back then. It would be cool to find out even more history on who won and where the event was held at.. Maybe I'll post something on the MCG....but for now this is all I've got1997 scott quiring @ Pontiac lake1998 scott quiring @ Pontiac Lake 1999 Brett Robinson @ bloomer park2000 Jeff Weinert @ bloomer park2001 Jeff Weinert @ stoney creek metro park2002 Jeff Weinert @ stoney creek metro park 2003 Jon Card @ lower huron metro park2004 Jeff Weinert @ munson park2005 Jer Walker @ stoney creek metro park2006 Jon Card @ Waterford Hills race track"