Mike simonson, AKA simonster If 90's metal/drug band Pantera, were native to the Miscene in the past 7 years they may have named there CD Vulgar display of Power, about this guy. Just watch him ride, anything MTB Cross, Road, it looks as they he is dumping watts everywhere. This season looks to be No different. he is aiming for the triple crown, a feat only obtained by another former Miscener( brian Matter) Heres a little look on buliding the perfect monster..
Hey, thanks for giving me the opportunity to voice my thoughts! Can I thank.... Bells Brewery and Quiring Cycles and all my team mates (including my wife) for supporting me over the past few seasons. There's no way I would be as competitive without them!
Q.How long have been racing
A started racing BMX when I was 13. Then I got into BMX Dirt Jumping all through high school. When I got into college, I started getting more into XC mountain biking and eventually into racing.
Q. what changes have you seen in the Miscene over the years
A Honestly... not very much as far as XC goes. Sure there are new people always phasing in and out of the scene, but it seems to be the same race courses with the same size fields. Now there are more races than ever. The endurance scene kind of blossomed in the years I've been into XC MTB'ing, but now that's starting to fizzle out and cyclocross is all the rage lately.
Q. ever plan on doing a full tour of road or cross?
A Cross really interests me and I think it's really fun, but it comes after a very long season which starts in March. I mean... throw in a cross season and you're racing from the end of March until January. Then, it's time for base miles again and you get no real break to re-group and spend time with your family. I really want to do more road racing this year as prep for the Chequamegon. That's the main race on my radar screen for 2007. You can blow it out on a 70 mile road race on Saturday, then still get training in on Sunday. Road doesn't wear your whole body out either like MTB racing does.
Q past sponsors?
A started out racing with the Flying Rhino's back in 2000 I think. It's a great club and they do a lot for cycling in this area. Then I got on the Cannondale Midwest team with Bart Wellesley before jumping ship to Bells/Trek. Then we switched bike sponsors over Quiring Cycles. I really liked what Scott was doing right here in Michigan and he helped design me a bike I could use to win the races I wanted to win.
Q.what are some of your secret cravings?
A Oh man... chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. Good pizza. Red Coat Burgers. Of course Bells Beer.
Q. what are your weakness, cycling specific?
A don't have a really good jump, but I've been working on that. I think it's because it takes fast twitch muscle fibers and I haven't really developed them. I work on cycling strength mostly which I think is the most important discipline for XC MTB racing.
Q. how many bikes do you own?
A own four right now. Three MTB's and a cyclocross bike.
Q.What are some of the funniest cycling moments you have had?
A One time my team mate Joe and I were riding on the birt roads and these two guys in a big pick-up truck blew by us going like 70 MPH honking and throwing the finger. Joe and I decided to follow them up the next road. Sure enough we found the truck parked in the driveway of one of the houses along our route. The next day I went back to that same house and kicked the dudes mailbox down. I was still pretty pissed off.
Q. what races are looking forward too?
A That has to be the tripple crown races. Iceman, Ore to Shore, and Chequamegon. I've never been to any race more fun than those.
Q.big goals this season?
A win at Chequamegon. Top ten at a NORBA national. Top ten at the Sea Otter.
Q .Have you have been injured?
A Only back in the dirt jumping days, which is one reason I switched to XC MTB.
Q. do you coach yourself or have coach?
A I've always coached myself. In my opinion, coaches lack one thing. They don't really know how you're truly feeling. How could someone tell you how to train when they have no idea how you feel from day to day. Using a coach requires a very close relationship. He/She has to know about everything that's going on in your life. Your daily life stresses, the amount of sleep you get, your schedule, etc. Unless you're a big name super pro, not many coaches out there have the time to develope a good relationship with their athletes.
Q do you set up a peak for a season?
A Yes... usually three peaks works well for me. Once in April/May, once in August, and once in November.
Q what other intrest do you have or hobbies?
A Not too many other hobbies. I pretty much race, go to work, or hang out with my wife and friends. My wife and I like hiking in the woods or camping.
Q . favorite place to ride?
A The dirt roads North of my house in Oxford. It's kind of like Belgian terrain. Really hilly, but nothing over 200ft of vertical. The best part is there's no traffic at all!
Q . best advice to newbies?
A Ride lots of miles. Read lots of books about cycling and training. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not cut out for racing bicycles. Do you realize how sick I am of people telling me that the big name pro's don't have to go to work. It's true, but it's not impossible to beat them with a full time job. You just have to plan and utilize every minute of your day and stay super focused and dedicated. If you want it more than anyone else, you will eventually do what it takes to get it.
Q. Last C.D. you bought?
A Green Day. Bullet in a Bible.
Q. good book or Ipod?
A Good book. The Ipod thing is a lot of maintenance.
Q . whats friday night like at the Mikes house?
A Usually a bottle of wine and chillin on the couch with my wife. She builds these little nests out of pillows and blankets and before you know it she's asleep by 8PM. We have a pretty tough schedule during the week and I'm usually just ready to go to bed on Friday's.
Q . Married/kids?
A, married. No kids yet though. Maybe in a few years.
Q . big hour traing week ?
A I'll do a couple 25 hr weeks in the early months (Jan/Feb), but during the season I get 10 to 16 hrs per week.
Q. do you follow a strict diet?
A Yes, very strict. I always say my speed is directly proportional to my weight, so it's very important to stay lean. I eat pretty much the exact same thing every weekday. On the weekends I'm not as strict because I usually ride more hours.
Q . would you still ride if you didnt race?
A Absolutely. I can't wait for the day when I leave my house on my bike and not have to worry about how many hours or how many hills I'm going to ride that day. It would be nice to finish a ride with some friends, pound some beers, and stuff yur face with pizza.
Q. if you drink at all...beer or wine? dumb question
A drink my fair share of both. Probably a little too much. I like my buzz! I can eat nothing but brocolli and chicken for 7 days a week, but just don't take away my buzz.
25 THANKS your one of the best!! and thank those that keep you rollin!!!