Tim Finkel, he doesnt come into this interview with a string of early season wins, doesnt have have huge resume of high placings, isnt a sub 20 year old up and comer, and He isnt a cross lord out building base for the fall. But one thing he is like the rest of us is a dedicated cyclist and racer. Tim is somewhat new to the scene but has already shown that its not about wins and attitudes, hey isnt slouch though, he has shown to be on form for a great season, capable of goin with the best MI has to offer. He has shown last season that he can hang outside the miscene as well with good riding riding at superweek (see last julys post ). So sit back relax and get to know another one of neighbors.
1.Big goals for this year
For the first time, I wrote my goals down before the season started this year. I figured, if I did not have a target, than I didn’t know what I was shooting for. Some of my major goals include placing high at Cone Azalia, finish top 10 at Downer’s Grove Nationals, and to race two weeks of the Superweek Pro Tour and place “in the money” as much as possible. I also just bought a new MTB this season. I plan on racing the Lumberjack 100, Ore to Shore, and Iceman…my goal is to place in the top ten in each.
2. what changes have you made this season as far as training goes
I am a teacher so I have 2.5 months of nothing but riding my bike every summer. In the past, I have binge trained during this time and just rode as much as I possibly could. It would not be out of the ordinary for me to average 400-500 mile weeks. However, this year I plan to focus more on balancing my long mileage days with some short intensity rides as well as the obligatory recovery spins. In essence, more quality, less quantity.
3. Do you ever plan on doing a full duty of cross?
Cross is very hard! I have a ton of respect for the guys who tear it up out there. For the past few seasons, I have had a heavy load of grad school classes during the cross season. Also, I start to get really burnt out by that time of the year and need a break from racing. However, I have just completed grad school so I will have some extra time this year…so perhaps.
4If you were a bike part what you be?
I would have to say the pretty pink tassels on a little girl’s bike.
5.Favorite race win or lose?
In Michigan, Cone Azalia.
6. what are your weakness, cycling specific?
Probably my reaction time to attacks. Often times, I will watch moves made and think to myself, “I should be a part of that”…well, by that time it is too late.
7. how many bikes do you own?
Only five that are worth stating. I do have a nice little cluster of bar cruisers as well.
8.What are some of the funniest cycling moments you have had?
Two years ago, Adam Maclounie, Tony Bruly and I went to Kentucky in February for the Schoeboble race. It got cancelled due to weather so we drove to Newport to engage in an evening of 32oz. Arm curl workouts. About 150 ounces into the evening, we were sitting at a brew pub where the beers were as big as your head and Tony started going into one of his rants. He was dead serious and trying to convince us that getting this drunk was making us faster because we were building character much like riding your bike in sub-zero temps in the winter. At the time, it seemed to make perfect sense so we kept drinking until we forgot our names.
Also, while Ray D. stated my underwear dance was funny in his interview…I have to say that there is nothing funny about a dead sexy man dancing in his underwear in a hotel at Superweek…this my friend, is provocative and raw talent. You can’t teach the moves I have, you are just born with them and I have the skills to pay the bills.
10.if you could only choose one..crits or road races?
I would choose road races. I always seem to do much better in the races of attrition rather than the short, flat raw power ones. However, I love it all.
11.Have you ever been injured?
My senior year of college I dislocated my thumb to the middle of my hand after trying to jump a park bench at an Irish Festival in Kalamazoo. It seems I had a bit too much liquid courage.
12. do you coach yourself or have a coach?
I feel very fortunate to ride on a team chalked full of seasoned veterans. Tony Bruley, Dan Klein, Robert Herriman, Steve Mlujeak and Ray Dybowski have all given me some great advice and coaching over the years. I respect them all greatly.
If I were to call anyone my coach, it would be Ray D. He is always giving me pointers, encouragement, and calling me often to check up on my training.
13. do you set up a peak for a season?
I don’t set a specific peak. However, due to my schedule, I always know I am usually at my best in July and September.
14. what other intrest do you have or hobbies?
Too many…a jack of all trades some may say. I am also a snowboarding instructor, a drummer, a DJ, and no joke…the 1998 Michigan State Yo-Yo Champion. Yes, in college I worked for several different yo-yo companies as a demonstrator. It was a lucrative gig that paid the bills and gained me some minor celebrity status amongst the middle school scene. This is kind of what lead me to teaching.
15. favorite place to ride?
Georgia 6-gap.
16. are you into death metal?
I like black cycling shorts, but that’s about it.
I am not a goth, but perhaps a master of the goth population. My students are labeled Emotionally Impaired. Many of them are self-proclaimed “Goths”. I thoroughly enjoy listening to their plights in life and offering them counseling assistance.
17. Last C.D. you bought?
Stephen Marley,Mind Control Ben Harper, Both Sides of the Gun.
18. good book or Ipod?
I would have to say a “book on tape” on my iPod.
19. what does tim do after a big race?
Usually reach for the closest beer, then for the second closest and so on.
20. girfriend ?
Yes, I have a beautiful, sweet girlfriend who puts up with a lot when it comes to my training and racing. She is very supportive and I consider her one of my teammates. Thanks Angela.
21. big hour traing week ?
25+ hours
22. do you follow a srtict diet?
I eat when I am hungry, which is all the time. However, I primarily eat very sensibly, macrobiotic, and organic. My theory is eat good stuff, eat often, and love food.
23. would you still ride if you didnt race?
I would probably ride more. Racing has always been a bi-product of my love for the bike. If I didn’t race, I would not have to worry about proper recovery so I would probably just ride as long and as often as possible.
24. do you train with a power meter of some type?
Haven’t forked the money out yet. Currently, I just use heart rate.
25 THANKS your one of the best!! and thank those that keep you rollin!!!