Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
One question

BURNOUT can mean alotta things to many. so if your feeling it in one way shape or form and the lack of MISCENE racing, and the crack down on the meth labs hasnt helped. take heed theres support from your fellow sceners. and dont worry if your a true scener this too shall pass. because the best is yet to come.
The origins of burnouts
can be traced to drag racing, where they have a practical purpose: drag racing tires perform better at higher temperatures, and a burnout is the quickest way to raise tire temperature immediately prior to a race.[citation needed] Drag race tracks sometimes use a specially-reserved wet-surface area known as the "burnout box" for this purpose.
Burnouts eventually became a serious form of competition and entertainment in their own right. Considerable prize money or goods are sometimes involved, and cars may even be sponsored or purpose-built specifically as "burnout cars".[citation needed] Burnout contests are judged on crowd response, with style and attitude therefore being important factors. Such contests are particularly popular in Australia[citation needed] but often occur in North America as well.
Burnouts are also common in informal street racing, usually for show value. As with all street racing activities, burnouts on public property are illegal in most countries but the severity of punishments vary. In New South Wales, for example, police have the power to confiscate the offending vehicle for three months for a first offense.[1]
Burnouts are also occasionally performed by winning drivers at the end of NASCAR races to celebrate their victory
is a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest (depersonalization or cynicism), usually in the work context. It is also used as an English slang term to mean exhaustion. Burnout is often construed as the result of a period of expending too much effort at work while having too little recovery, but it is sometimes argued that workers with particular personality traits (especially neuroticism) are more prone to experiencing burnout. Further, it appears that researchers disagree about the nature of burnout. While many researchers argue that burnout refers exclusively to a work-related syndrome of exhaustion and depersonalization/cynicism, others feel that burnout is a special case of the more general clinical depression or just a form of extreme fatigue/exhaustion (thus omitting the cynicism component
is a 1970s and 1980s slang term often used to refer to (typically) juvenile delinquents interested in heavy metal music (see also Metalhead, hesher), typically dressed in 70s/80s populist hard rock fashion: denim, work boots, flannel shirts, wallet chains, concert shirts, leather studded wrist bands, and medium to long hair (or a mullet hairdo).
The stereotypical burnout indulges in rowdy anti-authoritarian behavior, including drugs and alcohol, vagrancy, vandalism, truancy, smoking, petty theft, violence and wild "pit parties" typically held in abandoned construction pits in wooded areas outside of suburban neighborhoods.
John Bender from The Breakfast Club was referred to as a burnout.
Favorite music of burnouts includes New Wave of British Heavy Metal groups such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Ozzy Osbourne, as well as hard rock / heavy metal and other wild or radical bands such as AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Rush, The Who, The Doors, Van Halen (with David Lee Roth), Guns N' Roses, and later in the 80s, death metal, thrash metal, and speed metal groups including Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, and Venom and hardcore/punk music such as Stormtroopers of Death, Sex Pistols and Suicidal Tendencies.
In the early 1990s, bands such as the Melvins, Nirvana, Mr. Bungle, Supersuckers and Butthole Surfers would champion the "burnout" aesthetic, although the stereotype quickly faded into obscurity as alternative music and grunge music changed the cultural landscape and previously "burnout" characteristics were assimilated into mainstream youth culture (typified in the film Kids).
In popular culture, the Ramones, Lemmy of the band Motörhead, the character John Bender in film The Breakfast Club, the bully on the album cover of A.C.'s Everyone Should Be Killed, Beavis and Butthead, Crispin Hellion Glover's character in the film River's Edge, the teenage Earl J. Hickey portrayed in the television show My Name Is Earl, the 1980s lineup of Guns N' Roses, the 1970s rock band The Runaways, the album cover of The Who's Who's Next, various characters in the films Dazed and Confused, Over the Edge and Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, and the character Buddy Revell in the film Three O'Clock High typify the "burnout" image. The rock band Redd Kross wrote the song "Burn-out" for their 1982 album Born Innocent. The stereotype can be traced back to leather jacketed 1950s juvenile delinquents and bikers portrayed in films such as Rebel Without a Cause and The Wild One.
The term "burnout" originated in the late 1960s hippie era, referring to youths/dropouts who had "burnt out" from excessive drug use, and dressed in the unkempt hippie fashion, opposed any authority and preferred a raucous lifestyle and louder psychedelic and emerging heavy metal styles of music. In 1960s rock, early "burnout anthems" included Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild" and The Troggs' "Wild Thing". Early "burnout" icons include James Dean, Jim Morrison, William Burroughs, The Stooges, the bandit in the film Rashomon, and Charles Manson.
[edit] See also
Retrieved from ""
andrew the right stuff weir
….it was beautiful Tuesday night in late June, and I come home brimming with the glory of summer, thinking that it is so nice out that wouldn’t it be great to kick back in the backyard with the dogs and not worry about having to rush out on my bike. I’ve been hitting it pretty hard all season, so I can take this day off and enjoy the summer sitting. I think to myself “….awesome”. So I go to the fridge and grab a ice cold Calabaza Blanca and plunk my ass in a lawn chair. Just as the sweaty condensation from the bottle starts to roll over my fingers, the whole world jumps, I must have started to doze off….the sun is so warm. As I sit there, I can’t shake the fading mental image of fluorescent, disarticulated appendages, and a slight feeling of apprehension. Thinking how weird that was, I push it out of my mind. I take another sip of cold beer, and the world starts to fade away again, going completely black this time. The next thing I know I am stark awake, screaming “ORANGE GLOVES………ORANGE GLOVES.” Then I remember, it all comes rushing back, the knowledge that the orange gloves are out there feeding, pushing, planning the dealing of pain in the autumn morning air. So, I pour out the rest of my beer, pull on the three layers of sweatsuits and hockey helmet, and pull down the 2002 Royce Union XTREME that I save for just such occasions. I let out all of the air in the tires and fill them with water, bend some spokes, and tighten down the brakes. Once the bike is set-up to my satisfaction, I head and do 47 grassy hill repeats, full bore, while slapping myself in the schrotum, and screaming “orange gloves………orange gloves……….ORANGE GLOVES.”……..
…..I tend not to ever really get burned out from riding, but I do get very burned out on organized training. When this happens I usually just try to flip the routine around a little, and ride some bikes, or place, that I have not ridden in awhile. I’ll take the mountain bike out to Poto and do a couple of laps. Or I will hit dirt roads with my cross bike. There is really nothing better than hitting the dirt roads on a cross bike in the middle of summer with the Ipod loaded with Daft Punk…………….ORANGE GLOVES……………wait, what?……Oh, yeah…….with the Ipod loaded with Minor Threat to really reconnect you with the reasons why you love riding bikes in the first place……..
jay still one of us moncel
yes. stop racing. rest.
too many people forget about the obvious. just simply rest.
sprint king Terry Palmer
just say no to drugs. I will never be a burn out. Wait maybe I didn't follow you there can you please rephrase the question
jason BEER BUDDY Lummis
Burn out, Fuck NO, thats why we make the MI Scene so strong. Long and hard biatches keep the shit real fun.JL
Tom ROCKSTAR of TMS Finkel
Historically I am always stoked in March and ready to have the best season of my life. However, by July I seem to just be going through the motions. Superweek always serves as a battery recharge and gets me focused again. However, I have to say that this season is the first year that my focus has exponentially sharpened since March. Burnout for me at this point is quite the contrary. This is completely due to my decision to commit to a 24hr solo event. I’ve never had a “target” event before. It started as something I just wanted to accomplish, to wanting to take a podium spot. Most recently, I have become obsessed with the notion of a possible win. I have more miles and structured training in this year than all of last season. My family and girlfriend, while supportive, can attest that something has changed in me this season. Everything I do is relative to the 24hr race. Even my teammates have complained that I am not as fun as the past, mostly because my beer consumption has diminished greatly. However, with such an epic goal in sight, it seems my road racing has improved this season. I’m not sure if this anti-burn-out program is the most realistic for every season, but it seems that while “the summer of the Finkelstein” unfolds, having a target event serves as an extremely effective catalyst to combat getting sick of what we all love to do most: ride and race our bikes.
if i've ever been burned out, it's probably only been like a first degree burn. i don't think i do enough miles to reach the burnout point ever so i'm more concerned about mental burnout than physical burnout. i usually mark a week off every few months to ignore the bike. "distance makes the heart grow fonder."
When I feel the burn out comming on, I like getting together and riding with young up and comming riders. Take them out on the same roads and trails that carved me into a halfway decent cyclist. Watch them push the pace on me and sprint to the top of every hill, then watch them bonk hard at the end of the ride. It reminds me how driven and motivated I need to be. It reminds me that I still need to be just as driven and confident to keep my progression going as a cyclist at higher levels of the sport.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Scenes from the track

Better late than never. Scenes from a often overlooked scene on the michiganscene
The Mike Walden velodrome. big congrats should go out to Dale Hughes for runnin the show and all those that keep it going on and off the track.
With some of the younger talent we've scene so far this year that has evolved from the boards of bloomer its defiantly paying off in a big way. if you ever get chance, stop out and check the whole thing out its a great show
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
1. Mid season race cap?
Weird season so far. As most people (who know me) know, my life is filled with more family and work than it ever was before. It's my second season racing with an ever-growing family, my daughter will be two this August. As many in the Michigan Scene know, it changes your priorities and seriously affects your schedule and motivation to train/travel/race. Not making excuses, cause I am still giving it my all...just that "my all" is not quite what it was 5 years ago.
2. Hows your season panin out?
Not too shabby. Our Lathrup Industries team is always solid, with a roster full of contenders. We are just in a state of flux...lots of family growth, pending marriages (Josh, Alvin), babies (Rob), job changes (BA, Jim, Josh, Alvin), and as most have heard, Josh sliced off his finger on a training ride, which really put a damper on his season. Meurig added a lot of color to the team last year, but had to go back to the UK.
3. Any big family plans for the summer
Nice solid week off during the "lull" in July, heading up north. We get out to the Metro/State parks on a weekly basis, and have some quality time carved out almost daily. Although I may leave a small and inconsequential mark on the Michigan Scene over the years, my family is my true legacy!
Nice solid week off during the "lull" in July, heading up north. We get out to the Metro/State parks on a weekly basis, and have some quality time carved out almost daily. Although I may leave a small and inconsequential mark on the Michigan Scene over the years, my family is my true legacy!
4. how about racing plans
Really looking forward to August. With the loss of some awesome July racing (Dexter, Lansing, Fenton), I think a lot of guys are going to be either A) really fresh for august, or B) unmotivated and behind the 8-ball for august/sept. I hope to be the former...with Priority stepping up to a 2-day event, and the Labor day weekend looking to be a 3-day race weekend, we are going to have our work cut out for us. And I would love to race in Rochester again...Jamie, anyone?
Really looking forward to August. With the loss of some awesome July racing (Dexter, Lansing, Fenton), I think a lot of guys are going to be either A) really fresh for august, or B) unmotivated and behind the 8-ball for august/sept. I hope to be the former...with Priority stepping up to a 2-day event, and the Labor day weekend looking to be a 3-day race weekend, we are going to have our work cut out for us. And I would love to race in Rochester again...Jamie, anyone?
5. has your training volume changed scince the family has been started?
Definitely. Now I train smarter, more efficient and structured with my training time/days. Less volume. Doing a lot of Lactate and Power based training. Have really been applying my exercise physiology background in testing over the last few years, and it seems to take a lot of the question-marks out of my program and allow me to quantify my fitness during different phases of the season.
Definitely. Now I train smarter, more efficient and structured with my training time/days. Less volume. Doing a lot of Lactate and Power based training. Have really been applying my exercise physiology background in testing over the last few years, and it seems to take a lot of the question-marks out of my program and allow me to quantify my fitness during different phases of the season.
6. good to see Tom Archer back, hows the rest of the boys in short .
See above. The thing is, Tom and our crew are a bunch of really solid guys, tons of racing history and background. They are fun, and we have a great time together both on and off the bike, traveling, hanging out with each other's family. We do dinners during the winter, BBQ's during the summer. I think it shows in the way we race together, but most people in our Michigan Scene know that we are a solid bunch of buddies that have realized that we love the sport, and love to race...but with that being said, we have serious responsibilities to our families and our work. We are not kidding ourselves that we can take guys like Ben Renkema, Karl Menzies, "The Howards" et al...but we love trying! I was able to sneak onto the podium at Allen Park (Lathrup had 3 in the top 10!), and hung on by the skin of my teeth at Gaslight to finish with the break-away...and with Jim winning the State RR, and Rob and others finishing well at recent races, I think we are still a contributing factor to the Michigan scene. We may not have the numbers. Never had'em. That's what makes it more fun for us! We just race hard with who we have...or better yet, we race as smart as a bunch of ol' boys can!
7. wheres MINIME?
Back in the UK putting the hurts to the locals, especially in the TT. Can you believe that guys still does more miles annually on his bike than most of us do in our car? Not to mention he does most of them on his trainer. Yuck.
8. care to add some flavor?
I am stoked to see all of the young talent coming up over the past 2 seasons...seems like there are a lot of strong cat III racers our there. I would really like to see more teams take on the roll of coaching/mentoring like the MCG group and the U23 teams that are starting to pop up. I see so much talent, but no real mentoring or coaching. These days coaching is more like "ride these miles at this pace, email me". I think back to the days (even before my time) with the Obermeyers, Walden, Young, Frankie (Sr)...all that knowledge, all that authority, coaching, molding, evolving. Now adays, on training rides, you try to point out basic skills and components, and try to be positive and constructive, and so many people are resistant to the idea that they don't know it all...resistant to learning. I love the fact that Tour D Kids is back. Would love to see the Waterford series and AA Crit practice develop even more coaching. And I think the "A" race mentality of the training races is great to get the Cat III/IV guys in and alongside cyclists who have been in the sport and can impart some bit of wisdom...either in words or in actions.
Other than that, I enjoy being a part of the "scene". Keep it positive. Ride hard.
I am stoked to see all of the young talent coming up over the past 2 seasons...seems like there are a lot of strong cat III racers our there. I would really like to see more teams take on the roll of coaching/mentoring like the MCG group and the U23 teams that are starting to pop up. I see so much talent, but no real mentoring or coaching. These days coaching is more like "ride these miles at this pace, email me". I think back to the days (even before my time) with the Obermeyers, Walden, Young, Frankie (Sr)...all that knowledge, all that authority, coaching, molding, evolving. Now adays, on training rides, you try to point out basic skills and components, and try to be positive and constructive, and so many people are resistant to the idea that they don't know it all...resistant to learning. I love the fact that Tour D Kids is back. Would love to see the Waterford series and AA Crit practice develop even more coaching. And I think the "A" race mentality of the training races is great to get the Cat III/IV guys in and alongside cyclists who have been in the sport and can impart some bit of wisdom...either in words or in actions.
Other than that, I enjoy being a part of the "scene". Keep it positive. Ride hard.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008

this from Velo news..
Former Miscener, Toshiba-Santo strongman Mark Hekman showed the form he displayed in 2007 by winning Saturday’s fourth annual Iron Hill Twilight Criterium in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Hekman, who held the lead in the 2007 USA CRITS Series until a crash at Downers Grove ended his pursuit of the title, lapped this year’s Iron Hill field with 20 laps remaining in the 60-lap event, run on a 1km course.
“I got away on the 10th lap and just crushed it." Hekman said. "This is a really technical course with the hill on the back side and I thought I was going to die.”
A few days prior to Iron Hill, Hekman switched to a 54-tooth chain ring; he felt the change helped him power away from the competition on a warm, humid Pennsylvania day, leaving the others to fight for the remaining spots on the podium.
With 15 laps to go, Hekman’s teammate, 2007 USA CRITS champ Frank Travieso, made a bid for a cash prime, marked by Time Pro Cycling’s David Guttenplan, and the twosome never looked back. Guttenplan took second with Travieso third.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
who cares im flyin awards

We really think Timmy Finkel was on to something when he came up with the WCIFA, or who cares im flyin award, although he shouldn't be credit tothe saying entirely, he did bring it out in the light for us, So with the awards for WCIF go out two ways. Sceners in state ragin and outta state. even though its July these are the winners for June. were still out if were gonna make it a weekly or monthly thing for now were wingin it.
first outta state rages. can anyone Deny Graham Howard? it was a tough call with a few others killing it, but 2 wins in 2 weeks, not mention a 2nd at fitchburgs opening TT in terrible conditions. The eldest howard bros deserves this.
In the guy gettin it done in State? OK he doesnt have any major wins to his name, hasn't been a standout in big breaks, But he has improved greatlty and shown it can be done, Tim Finkel went from midpack to a top 15 guy in the 1/2 and top 10 isnt too far. So some may say, top 15 PHHH , well the field depth in Michigan aint easy and its tough to get just that. so congrats tim. one a side note other notables should be called to the line, Cat 3Guys like Alan Antonsnick of the egde of the trail bike shop. JIMMI MINNIME of Bissel and Mark Cahn of o2, and kristy Keehly, of PH these scners have been goin good all season and deserve alotta credit.
TMS is makin great efforts to try to come up with some swag for these sceners we'll keep everyone posted on the progress. thanks again Tim for the idea.
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