much love.
much love
Can it be, summer is almost gone, sittin on the edge of labor day, a holiday when all of us workin stiffs should kickin back with a barbie and a beer. But thats not the norm in the murdercity for many miscener's, LABOR DAY, is a weekend devoted to full tilt boogie for 3 days. all that should be left by monday evening is victors. as the old saying in goes.
Detroit, were the strong survive and the weak are eatin.
good luck sceners and see ya nextweek.
thanks tms for keepin this alive while tms was on a leave for good health. all 150 or so odd posts good, bad bullshit, etc, are why we keep comin back. and you do the same as were facing one of the BEST weekends of battle our scene has scene in quite some time. thanks again.