1.last goal you met
I rolled out of bed this morning before 8 am, sometimes its the small goals.
2.last time you cried
Real men don't cry. For the rest of us mere mortals that can only pretend to be likes of Chuck Norris or Jens Voigt, its ok to shed a tear now and then. Last time was when I was reading a post of Fatty's describing how his wife is slowly succumbing to the grips of metastatic breast cancer. Its reduced a usually jovial writer to someone who you can feel his pain through his words.
3.last race you won
It was FRCCC Thursday Night Worlds @ Waterford about 2 weeks ago now. I attacked a tired peleton with 30 minutes to go and took only Alan Smith with me, who showed some real strength by hanging on until 10 minutes to go when he dropped off. Managed to hold the it to the line without getting caught by a chase group or the peleton.
4l last goal you fell short of
I was going to actually try and be funny for this interview.
5 last time you got poop on your hands
There was an unfortunate incident about 3 months ago involving some thin TP and some rather soupy poop. Lets just say I didn't make a 'clean' getaway. On the plus side that was the first bit of ass I got in a while.
6 last time you cussed in anger
See above.
7 last item of clothing you bought
I was at Victoria's Sec-- oh you mean for me? ehm.... socks, yea socks.
8 last person who made you nervous
The guys in the Chicago Crit that for whatever reason locked out their rear brake around a corner and kept it locked out, doing this all in the back 1/3 of the 180 person peleton. Luckily riders were on the ball and just went around these guys.
9 last time friend has shocked you
My roommate, last winter, we have wall-to-wall carpeting, we also had a contest going to see who could shock each other more. I think I won, but he was no pushover in competition.
10 last junk food you ate
Nick had these hard candies from Korea that taste like various sodas at track practice on Tuesday.
11 last person you wanted to punch
He knows who he is, and why he deserves it.
12 last pick up line you used
Last one I used was the tried and true: "Hi."
Last mean one I used at the club was: "Hey you want to dance?", "No...", "I said, you look fat in those pants"
13 last extravagant purchase you made
Gotta be that Zipp 404/808 + PowerTap tubular setup I got at the beginning of the season. They are a PIMP set of wheels though.