Its mid week and i still aint fully digested all that got laid down for 2 days here in our
scene over last weekend. I cant by any stretch shout details, like HR, wattage numbers, or lap times. but i can say this if you didn't turn em in anger at least one day this past 2 day, you are probably are on a different "plan".
No one can say you didn't have a choice, lets look at Waterford..whats up with that? cold temps kept alot of the early swingers at home,Some care some don't..but that didn't matter none to the Finkel fellow,It took Detroit Martin and That older Crafty dude to help him wreck the place. a win for the big Miler II , its mid March but a win is a win is a win..right? a plan is a plan.
Barry Ruby..what can you say that hasn't been said, facebooked, videoed, babbled, bantered or gossiped? If you didn't get to this one..you probably dont get it, or its not in your plan, or your from the east side of the scene... Ill I can say is i gotta throw shout out to the dark horses, we all new there were favorites, ringers, winners etc..But dam I love it when sucka's creep. Joe Cocker traded some pounds for watts and made good. ClintV stuck his visor in other people's plans, and rode solid..That Evil Sucker got older, and still was riding on last years plan. SIMONSTER's plan didnt go as expected. The WIZ left a few cogs at home, got revenge on Stephen Andriese. DC did what he does best, The HULK wasn't far back...CBISCUIT was ridin high on his snowform. If you do that ICEMAN thing, this should be in your "plan" for 12
FISKKNOB, dont get it, dont want to, but its a scene thing..so it should go as mentioned, T don't Time trial my body type doesn't allow me to get into that twisted like position. My eyes weren't peeled for the results , and from what i can see via the net there still MIA..
that leaves with AAVC#1, crit racing in near freezing temps didn't appeal to Lotta of the early guns, although a little light on Wattage from tired legs, It wasn't short of young talent to keep the suffocation factor at a high, It also gave Timmy another chance to swing his base around, He came AWFULLY close, but the seed of BIG TEX, came around in the end. I can also see the too numerous to mention usual AAVC suspects for Runway braggin rights were rollin around. Forecast for this weekend looks a tad more like it, so we can only wait and see who rises from there winter slumber to show there plan..
Keep it clean T