Saturday, April 30, 2011
Mans work. II
Mans work.

Northville Michigan native, Chris Uberti, is currently racing with the Landis-Trek Cycling Team at the 2011 Tour of the Gila in New Mexico. As Dave Towle (race announcer) says, the “Gila” is a RACERS-RACE. As Chris confirms, it’s known as one of the toughest stage races in North American and many of the top US pro teams are using it this year to prep for the upcoming Tour of California. As can be expected, the racing has been HARD-HARD-HARD!!!!
Chris is a member of the Panther Cycling Team, but is racing as a guest on the Phoenix based Landis-Trek team.
HEY MISCENERS - Here is my race report from the first two stages if you’re interested. I'll be more upbeat once we do some crit racing! This altitude is killing me The Landis-Trek team based out of Phoenix asked me to guest ride for them after one of their riders crashed pretty bad last week. I was originally just going to go out and ride solo for Panther but riding for the Landis guys has been a huge help in terms of support. Having people in the feed zone on a 94 mile day is priceless, not to mention a ride back from that same 94 mile point to point race is a big help as well.
We just finished up our second day of the Tour of the Gila. Yesterday was the 94 mile stage to Mogollian (ghost town). The race was pretty flat and tame for the first 88 miles. There was a few field splits going on caused by some pretty sudden gusts of cross winds, although nothing compared to what it sounded like last year. I got caught on the wrong side of the second field split the second time round and we formed an echelon to chase. I narrowly avoided a big crash in our echelon that was probably a result of people riding cross eyed. Our group caught back on pretty quickly and it was back in the pack till the finish. There were a few pretty nasty isolated crashes going into the finishing climb, but luckily nothing that happened in front of me.
With 6 miles to go we made a right turn and it was all uphill to the finish. There was a mile of short steep (10% climbing) followed by a pretty shallow plateau. I stayed in contact with the main group through the first steep section then got dropped as we crested onto the shallow plateau. There was a mile of false flat where we almost caught back on then it was straight up the last 3 miles to the finish. I just rode my own race from there on out to roll in a little over 4 minutes off the winner: Paco Mancebo from RealCyclist.
A quick word about altitude: it sucks. Its effects might be slightly exacerbated by being a little sick, but racing at 7000 ft is damn hard. You don’t notice it just walking around or sitting in a field that’s just cruising along, but as soon as I hit any climbs and go into the red zone there is no recovery for me. My heart rate is no where near what it normally is, I can put in about 5 minutes of hard effort then blow sky high.
And that’s exactly what happened in Stage 2. The second stage, called the “Inner Loop” made a 80 mile circuit around the Gila Forest. The tough thing about this stage is that at mile 6 there is a Sprint point, followed immediately by climbing/rolling terrain up to a KOM point, followed immediately by the most technical descent of the race. So the race starts out more like a Crit than anything else. My legs felt like crap as soon as I woke up so I knew it was going to be a fun day.
I made it through the first bit of the climb but couldn’t recover enough on the smallish descent before the final push to Palos Altos (KOM). I got gapped out with a bunch of other riders. Fortunately we were able to chase back on through the very technical descent off the Wolf Mesa. The descent itself wasn’t very technical, just a few tight steep switchbacks, but my group was doing most of it through the caravan of cars, which meant we had about the width of a bike path to work with on the descent.
We caught back on at the bottom of the descent, but someone forgot how to corner and opened up a large gap on like 20 guys that had to be closed again. Finally around mile 38 we caught back on. Fortunately, after a pretty gradual climb up to the continental divide it was all downhill to the finish. Unfortunately there was one last KOM climb before the finish at mile 62. If it was just one 2 mile stretch of climbing I’d be ok, but the climb went up 2 miles, then descended a mile, then went up another few miles to the KOM point, before rolling back into town.
I was hanging on to the coat tails of the group, but holding on none the less, until a Rio Grande guy sitting in front of me swung right abruptly and took out my front wheel. Luckily we were only doing about 10 mph and I managed to unclip and keep from crashing, but the group was long gone by that point. I rolled in the last 10 miles of the race solo in the caravan, which I still have not been able to figure out the protocol of how to ride in. Can I draft the cars when I get dropped, which side of the road am I supposed to ride on when I’m passing them, when their passing me, and most importantly can I draft the cars when I get dropped.
MBRA: check out the SRAMrace video here:
However hardest race of the day goes to Ben Damhoff, who double flatted before the first climb (@ mile 7) and had to chase the entire 80 mile race to catch back on. He got his TT practice in today so the 16 mile TT tomorrow should seem like a piece of cake.
All I can say is that I can’t wait for the crit, and to get down to sea level.
I don’t even want to talk about Sunday yet.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Before I through out any real predictions i have to say this....Its real easy to be hate full in these times, almost too easy. But id like to think id rather have you being hateful on this pointless, meaningless blog, than being that way to your fellow human. so if you must let it roll, let it roll. Thats why someone once told me to spread the jelly.
So where do we stand on the eve of the first "official" road race weekend. I don't always really agree with calling it the 1st weekend, as sceners been pinnin numbers on for the past 6 weeks, but I know how some of you all feel. I gotta say this though....Im gonna through a shout out to all the crew over at the new Tailwind camp for gettin it "ON" at Pontiac Lake last weekend, all though the turn out was a tad small and there was were few hic up's, they got the plan rollin and one under there belt.
The jelly, I guess we all want some, looks like from the last post some aint scared to share there's. This weekends is what i like to call different strokes for different folks. the big banter is all about the Cone, but few have voiced there Willow predictions. Two different gigs, similar audience. Willow Time trial, I don't TT, but i get and understand it, A test of Man, time and a funky machine over decent pavement, and in the end the result the strong man normally wins. In year past its been as close as me and my Atlanta friends. I suspect with the talent that is on the rise, 2011 will be no different.
What about Cone, I all i hear is cone cone... dirt road race CONE, spring classic, Get OUT AND RACE!!! I get it though, This is one that puts the plan of man, machine, over some very treacherous roads in sometimes lousy conditions. In years past the STRONG, Lucky man has prevailed, you dont just sit in on this gig. Who wins ? depends on who comes with the right plan of action. Id love to throw $5 dollar bills out there on some of the "hotshoes" of spring, but im gonna slightly refrain, my predictions of 2011, haven't been as solid as my butt, lets just say You can count on a good hard day in the locker no matter which field you get mixed up in...its gonna be good.Im not all that keen who's showin and who's just blowin so ill keep it brief....keep an eye on guys like a select few of outta staters, or TIMMY, some of the MOB, and few of the 2011 lil green men. AAVC'ers, or the no longer ARGYLE ARMY, may even rear there heads....thats all i got to say about that...
let the chips fall where they may.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Lookin Back

I have still have some original TAO whether some of you care to believe it.
one thing I tell myself, reflect but never regret. That might not mean squat to
you all, but in T's world it does.
whats got to do with your Scene? the Spring flingin plan for some has come to a close, its
over and what some refer to as the real racing will begin. So how did the overall
plan of spring play out. I had to reflect on some words i spoke some 8 odd weeks
back about spring around the corner. Well as the old saying goes its not nice to fool
mother nature, She kept true to her words and gave old man winter some over time weekend week out. I hope that mutha's tired
So how did the final go. For TIMMY F it went without regret and alotta reflecting time, once again The Wolverine crew kept the fling title, The plan of the day was simple, keep the R-Model and the Evil DUDE at bay. With the Old mans help and some good ol fashion Miscene Chaos, along with asolid spring plan it was executed to a T per say. TIMMY leaves the Miscene spring campaign with more W's than anyone else and some good confidence going for real.
So In the words of the now MIA EYE of Gatto, another one in the books. Its a good time for all of us to reflect for a moment all of our good fortunes we have, and never regret what we do not.
Stick around as the best is yet to come.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011

Sometimes it dont take long to wrap your head around certain things, I dont know too much about Haters and jelly but i certainly can understand current or past events of the last couple weeks. Take this whole spring thingin thing, we got goin on here. I haven't been around it for very long but It doesn't take a genius to figure out whats going here. Either your in or your out, But just because your in doesn't mean your staying in and if your out that doesn't mean you cant get in either at some point that's the beauty, and sadness of the whole Miscne thing one minute your it, the next your not. Its a win and then its training...Its all in the plan right?
For many the spring plan is like there own little world cups, some stay put for inner club bragging rights, and few select others ride out to pee in the others pond. Its all part of the spring courtship here in southeastern lower Michigan
Waterford week 3 the wrap... was brought to a close by yet another breakaway, and finally DANNYK got the spring win. TIMMYF states he couldnt "SEAL THE DEAL" but was able to roll in second with what some are referring to as the the FUTURE of Michigan cycling close at his loyal side.. The Future...something that we all like to predict but often don't..
AAVC, was greeted with a above normal but welcomed gift from mother N, No one was complaing of sunny skies and and near 80 degrees by days end, No one except those with tired legs or the ones that missed the break again. once again TMS lived up to its name as the CHAOS unfolded when the break of 6 0r 7 got tangled up in the lapped field, but not before the R-Model rolled away and soloed in for the win, leaving TIMMY, no Longer lost Cross, the Evildude, LIL Joe, and the Future of Michigan Cycling to battle for the also rans. CRAZY...all the while the lapped field sat hopeless and watched the plan unfold..
With one to go before the season is fully in gear, We can only predict how everyone's plan is gonna come out.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

a little knowledge can go a long way
a lot of professionals are crackpots
a man can’t know what it is to be a mother
a name means a lot just by itself
a positive attitude means all the difference in the world
a relaxed man is not necessarily a better man
a sense of timing is the mark of genius
a sincere effort is all you can ask
a single event can have infinitely many interpretations
a solid home base builds a sense of self
a strong sense of duty imprisons you
absolute submission can be a form of freedom
abstraction is a type of decadence
abuse of power comes as no surprise
action causes more trouble than thought
alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries
all things are delicately interconnected
ambition is just as dangerous as complacency
ambivalence can ruin your life
an elite is inevitable
anger or hate can be a useful motivating force
animalism is perfectly healthy
any surplus is immoral
anything is a legitimate area of investigation
artificial desires are despoiling the earth
at times inactivity is preferable to mindless functioning
at times your unconsciousness is truer than your conscious mind
automation is deadly
awful punishment awaits really bad people
bad intentions can yield good results
being alone with yourself is increasingly unpopular
being happy is more important than anything else
being judgmental is a sign of life
being sure of yourself means you’re a fool
believing in rebirth is the same as admitting defeat
boredom makes you do crazy things
calm is more conductive to creativity than is anxiety
categorizing fear is calming
change is valuable when the oppressed become tyrants
chasing the new is dangerous to society
children are the most cruel of all
children are the hope of the future
class action is a nice idea with no substance
class structure is as artificial as plastic
confusing yourself is a way to stay honest
crime against property is relatively unimportant
decadence can be an end in itself
decency is a relative thing
dependence can be a meal ticket
description is more important than metaphor
deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity
disgust is the appropriate response to most situations
disorganization is a kind of anesthesia
don’t place to much trust in experts
drama often obscures the real issues
dreaming while awake is a frightening contradiction
dying and coming back gives you considerable perspective
dying should be as easy as falling off a log
eating too much is criminal
elaboration is a form of pollution
emotional responses ar as valuable as intellectual responses
enjoy yourself because you can’t change anything anyway
ensure that your life stays in flux
even your family can betray you
every achievement requires a sacrifice
everyone’s work is equally important
everything that’s interesting is new
exceptional people deserve special concessions
expiring for love is beautiful but stupid
expressing anger is necessary
extreme behavior has its basis in pathological psychology
extreme self-consciousness leads to perversion
faithfulness is a social not a biological law
fake or real indifference is a powerful personal weapon
fathers often use too much force
fear is the greatest incapacitator
freedom is a luxury not a necessity
giving free rein to your emotions is an honest way to live
go all out in romance and let the chips fall where they may
going with the flow is soothing but risky
good deeds eventually are rewarded
government is a burden on the people
grass roots agitation is the only hope
guilt and self-laceration are indulgences
habitual contempt doesn’t reflect a finer sensibility
hiding your emotions is despicable
holding back protects your vital energies
humanism is obsolete
humor is a release
ideals are replaced by conventional goals at a certain age
if you aren’t political your personal life should be exemplary
if you can’t leave your mark give up
if you have many desires your life will be interesting
if you live simply there is nothing to worry about
ignoring enemies is the best way to fight
illness is a state of mind
imposing order is man’s vocation for chaos is hell
in some instances it’s better to die than to continue
inheritance must be abolished
it can be helpful to keep going no matter what
it is heroic to try to stop time
it is man’s fate to outsmart himself
it is a gift to the world not to have babies
it’s better to be a good person than a famous person
it’s better to be lonely than to be with inferior people
it’s better to be naive than jaded
it’s better to study the living fact than to analyze history
it’s crucial to have an active fantasy life
it’s good to give extra money to charity
it’s important to stay clean on all levels
it’s just an accident that your parents are your parents
it’s not good to hold too many absolutes
it’s not good to operate on credit
it’s vital to live in harmony with nature
just believing something can make it happen
keep something in reserve for emergencies
killing is unavoidable but nothing to be proud of
knowing yourself lets you understand others
knowledge should be advanced at all costs
labor is a life-destroying activity
lack of charisma can be fatal
leisure time is a gigantic smoke screen
listen when your body talks
looking back is the first sign of aging and decay
loving animals is a substitute activity
low expectations are good protection
manual labor can be refreshing and wholesome
men are not monogamous by nature
moderation kills the spirit
money creates taste
monomania is a prerequisite of success
morals are for little people
most people are not fit to rule themselves
mostly you should mind your own business
mothers shouldn’t make too many sacrifices
much was decided before you were born
murder has its sexual side
myth can make reality more intelligible
noise can be hostile
nothing upsets the balance of good and evil
occasionally principles are more valuable than people
offer very little information about yourself
often you should act like you are sexless
old friends are better left in the past
opacity is an irresistible challenge
pain can be a very positive thing
people are boring unless they are extremists
people are nuts if they think they are important
people are responsible for what they do unless they are insane
people who don’t work with their hands are parasites
people who go crazy are too sensitive
people won’t behave if they have nothing to lose
physical culture is second best
planning for the future is escapism
playing it safe can cause a lot of damage in the long run
politics is used for personal gain
potential counts for nothing until it’s realized
private property created crime
pursuing pleasure for the sake of pleasure will ruin you
push yourself to the limit as often as possible
raise boys and girls the same way
random mating is good for debunking sex myths
rechanneling destructive impulses is a sign of maturity
recluses always get weak
redistributing wealth is imperative
relativity is no boon to mankind
religion causes as many problems as it solves
remember you always have freedom of choice
repetition is the best way to learn
resolutions serve to ease our conscience
revolution begins with changes in the individual
romantic love was invented to manipulate women
routine is a link with the past
routine small excesses are worse than then the occasional debauch
sacrificing yourself for a bad cause is not a moral act
salvation can’t be bought and sold
self-awareness can be crippling
self-contempt can do more harm than good
selfishness is the most basic motivation
selflessness is the highest achievement
separatism is the way to a new beginning
sex differences are here to stay
sin is a means of social control
slipping into madness is good for the sake of comparison
sloppy thinking gets worse over time
solitude is enriching
sometimes science advances faster than it should
sometimes things seem to happen of their own accord
spending too much time on self-improvement is antisocial
starvation is nature’s way
stasis is a dream state
sterilization is a weapon of the rulers
strong emotional attachment stems from basic insecurity
stupid people shouldn’t breed
survival of the fittest applies to men and animals
symbols are more meaningful than things themselves
taking a strong stand publicizes the opposite position
talking is used to hide one’s inability to act
teasing people sexually can have ugly consequences
technology will make or break us
the cruelest disappointment is when you let yourself down
the desire to reproduce is a death wish
the family is living on borrowed time
the idea of revolution is an adolescent fantasy
the idea of transcendence is used to obscure oppression
the idiosyncratic has lost its authority
the most profound things are inexpressible
the mundane is to be cherished
the new is nothing but a restatement of the old
the only way to be pure is to stay by yourself
the sum of your actions determines what you are
the unattainable is invariable attractive
the world operates according to discoverable laws
there are too few immutable truths today
there’s nothing except what you sense
there’s nothing redeeming in toil
thinking too much can only cause problems
threatening someone sexually is a horrible act
timidity is laughable
to disagree presupposes moral integrity
to volunteer is reactionary
torture is barbaric
trading a life for a life is fair enough
true freedom is frightful
unique things must be the most valuable
unquestioning love demonstrates largesse of spirit
using force to stop force is absurd
violence is permissible even desirable occasionally
war is a purification rite
we must make sacrifices to maintain our quality of life
when something terrible happens people wake up
wishing things away is not effective
with perseverance you can discover any truth
words tend to be inadequate
worrying can help you prepare
you are a victim of the rules you live by
you are guileless in your dreams
you are responsible for constituting the meaning of things
you are the past present and future
you can live on through your descendants
you can’t expect people to be something they’re not
you can’t fool others if you’re fooling yourself
you don’t know what’s what until you support yourself
you have to hurt others to be extraordinary
you must be intimate with a token few
you must disagree with authority figures
you must have one grand passion
you must know where you stop and the world begins
you can understand someone of your sex only
you owe the world not the other way around
you should study as much as possible
your actions ae pointless if no one notices
your oldest fears are the worst ones
I find it quite interesting though, week 2 of what some call the fake stuff has been entertaining, its turning out to be a grudge match that's pitting the vigor of youth against the crafty of old. I like that, makes for good conversation for folks in the social network.
if you had to pick a day to have mother nature on your side Saturday would a been it. That being said still dont feel much like predicted though, no matter didn't scare off too many. For second week in a row The Youth of Today got the best of normalized pro's and solid old guys. Alexexy V, got a gap and kept that over Home for awhile Stewie, DannyK coughed up a third, Strong legs were still rollin in the field though Alex Vanias from over there looked good, and The Eagle swooped in.
AAVC, weather is playin a big part on who's comin out to Roughway plaza, The Old gal held off long enough to keep everyone dry and intact all day, B field saw JOEL, put a field sprint in his bag of wins. The A game brought a large lot of Canucks over to piss the spring pond, but with guys like VINCE-R model, the young Alexey, and some AAVC locals nothing stuck. When the stuff hit the fan It was the old Evil Dude getting the best of some youth, Alan Antonuk fresh off a solid 11th at Hills borough nipped former spring fling king Blair Dudley. Remember its only April ,we still have many weeks left to see who will bring there plan out into action. If you want results you can go here. T don't have time for that
Monday, April 04, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
TMS on The Move

How did you get started in the sport?
Through my local ski club. They did mountain bike camps in the summer. My first race was the Iceman Cometh, a huge mountain bike race in my hometown and just went from there.
Tell us about your current team?
I’m currently the only U23 rider for BMC. I do training camps with them, but most of my racing is through the USA Cycling National Development Program. I’m fully supported by BMC and super fortunate to have such a great set-up.
What do you love the most about cycling?
I really love riding my bike, just being outside and the travel. I’m not someone who likes to just sit around and I love being on the go. I’m a very competitive person so I love racing as well.
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Taking the risk of leaving school for the semester to try and race full time. I knew from like the age of 15 I wanted to go into business, so it was a tough decision to alter that course a bit. I really loved life over here though and was so excited to wake up every morning and race my bike, so I decided to go for it.
Who has been most influential in your career?
When I was younger I had a training partner named Jeff Koch and he essentially took me under his wing. He took me out on all the training rides and really made me a cyclist. He’s the reason I made the junior national program. I’ve spent a ton of time lately training with George (Hincapie) and he and BMC have been a big part of my growth this year, as well as USA Cycling.
What opportunities has USA Cycling provided you?
I wouldn’t be sitting here in Europe today if it weren’t for USA Cycling. If I make it to the ProTour, it’s because of USA Cycling – or it would have been 100 times more difficult without it.
What is the biggest goal that you’re working toward?
Becoming a successful top pro-level rider.
What advice would you offer a youngster starting out in the sport?
You have to keep it fun for sure. Keep your eyes open to see what you can do to take it further. Go check out one of USA Cycling’s Regional Development Camps. You learn valuable tools, general racing skills and it opens a lot of doors for going further in the sport in the future.
What do you do when you're not riding a bike?
Go to school and study – seriously!
About USA Cycling’s National Development Programs
With one of its dual missions being to achieve sustained success in international cycling competition, USA Cycling maintains development programs for all disciplines of competitive cycling, including men’s and women’s U25 and junior road; mountain bike; track (endurance and sprint); and BMX programs. These programs provide a structured pathway to the top tier of the sport through athlete development that begins with junior racing series, regional development camps and racing and moves through to international competition. Visit the program’s webpage for more about USA Cycling’s Athlete Development Programs.