Saturday, December 30, 2017

43. Base media heads to the Cincy crits to get a taste of the outside world
42.TMS has little relevance
41.The BlackAces crit...never changes..sending 3/4 to the cars before 35 min
40.Little Gooch races his ass off all summer and earns the upgrade
39.Kevin Collins races nearly 45 times before the July 4th Holiday
38.That short bald guy has three weeks of haulin ass..
37.Onam Nows Terry Ritter rolls a tire at the Muskegon crit after gluing it in the car on the way to the race
36.Yankus gets popped from the Gaslight break after sighting...... foot issues
35.The 3T crew has more fun and a bigger travel budget then the lovely  Beyonce
34. By mid July its official the Bunny is gone for good
33.its been nearly a year since JTP left and no one really gives a shit
32.The Alma GP is hyped more than a DIO holograph comeback
31.Lako has a solid ride at ORAMM
30.KOLO-TC is officially.................................................. cooler than Jesus