Friday, May 31, 2019

1.Over the top ridiculous eye wear
2.Belgian Knee warmers
3.Dabbing or any other fuckin gawd awful salute after crossing the finishing line
4.mugging it up for the camera guy in turn three
5.Loud obnoxious attention grabbing articles of clothing
6.Aero Helmets
8.take your hands off the bars for a pee break
10.shoe covers in a crit your wattage numbers on social media your trainer road workouts on social media
13.dope segments training
15.expect a discount at the local bike shop

pack fodder no's...........

Thursday, May 30, 2019

How i would fix slow the death of road racing if i was the head MoFo of USAC..

coming next week.......

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

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my opinion?

I think the bike is too big for her

the importance of good shoes 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019