DAM, whatta a day of racing, were not gonna go into the whole scoring mess. were not gonna go into how mad some of our wives kids, girlfriends, mistresses Were when we arrived late sunday evening Were not gonna talk about the hype of the newspaper favoring the only REAL two teams in Mi with a shot at the BIG win, were not gonna talk about how are perdictions were horrible, Were not not gonna mention a Derek Prechtal sighting, Were not even gonna mention the heartbreak 5 cat 1/2 riders felt as they were caught with 5k to go to state medals.ITs and over with and behind the day.... thank the lord. First off we have to thank WMCR for another great day of racing, thanks Stan and crew. You guys are top Notch! You couldnt of asked for a more picture perfect day as far as weather goes. the fields were filled with the hopes of State titles.
Lets get into it. Correct us as we way may be wrong on some accounts and many may be missing as the wait was too long to bear and as this is being written results are non. Chris THE KID Brinkman won as expected, our prediction was right on this one. Masters 35 saw a nasty crash as Miscene MTB standout Pete Ehman of Giant Mi take out a mail box at near 30mph, this sent panic through the field, and with the Saturn /Shell MIA's Diesel, and Steve Mcgregor, left the door wide open for Jon (i finaly won the state roadrace) Morgan , withRapid Wheelman Sam George scarin the field enough for second. Masters 45, FRCC Scott Claes got what he deserved... the win.
Cat 1/2 well alot can be said and little can be said to sum the 3 + hr out there, a small group got away with the major teams involved, from what we gather lines and legs broke down and the the 50+ field caught them at the last hill. HEARTBREAKER ...allowing The CYborg, and Todd AKA Woodchuck Shoberg to roll off, Lathrup industries MINIME Meurig made one last fatal attempt to be part of the selection that he once was in and went with them the trio held off the hard charging field by mere seconds as the sprinters began to set the tone. Miscene Ben Renkema led out and beat three other of the fastest sprinters in the state as of June 1st those Docsavage, Ben Whitehead the Eagle Adams and Saturn/Shells Rob Foshag. the site was awesome as many teams tried to get the train rollin. But in the end after hoopla Todd shoberg won it for his WMCR sponsor keeping the state titel intact for another season, ( they have held onto it on and off for the last 4-5 yrs)MINIME snagged 2nd and the CYborg Steve Clark rolled in for 3rd.
despite the SNAFU's it was a great day of michigan racing, We know the riding was hot in the other fields but due to the lack of results we cant put names to faces, so there will be follow up if the final results are posted.
Thanks WEST COAST for giving us this day.
how did that homosexual Norm Zellers do?
Norm dont live here anymore.
is norm really gay?
wouldn't surprise me
yes he is. I thought many in the scene knew that
too bad his wife/cover up was badass lookin she looked Liv Tyler.
I dont think zellers is gay, i cant imagine were that rumor came from, in all goodness, no offense to the gay community. lets not start a rumor until were for sure. But i may be wrong.
All I can tell you sir is that he's gay........ GAY GAY!!!
what a joke, the scoring was a pathetic display of how the upper crust of michigan cycling need to be flushed out, Paul ALman dropped the ball and there is no excuse, he is old, grouchy, seanile, and shows how a homie can get the hook up, I dont give a flyin fuck how long he has been doin it, he has showed time and time again how things shouldnt be done. does he he get the job by default or what? A STATE RACE YEA RIGHT...Punjab
that wife/cover up is his sister, ewwwww.
no way
You’re all a bunch of delinquents.
Hey, why didn't the promoter have a decent camera system at the race???
Were they too cheap to spend the cash, hence, making a mess of their race and leaving EVERYONE with a bad taste in their mouth. I say if the promoter can't come up with a decent scoring system, they shouldn't be awarded the state championships.
I'll tell you, that's the last time I race Tour of Cedar Creek. Every year the results have been JACKED!
It's up to the promoter to cover things like cameras, chips, etc, rather than pocketing the cash and then laying the blame on the officials for not trying to score the results for the 10+ categories by hand using paper and pencil.
Norm is definitely gay. I know from experience.
I'll tell you what's gay:
It is 4 days after the state road race and there are no results available anywhere. How hard is it to scan a copy of the results and post it?
And you would think with hundreds of riders paying up to $45 a head to ride for almost zero purse that they could spend a couple bucks on some videocameras. Jeez, they can use mine for the day if they're that hard up.
No way Norm is gay. What happened to that chump anyway?
ya know you cant make all kinds of lame excuses why paul alman dropped the ball.....but fact is many people traveled , stayed overnight, and waited only to be denied, or had the cats mixed up and not get scored. I lay alot blame on paul his crew and The promoters, this isnt the first year its happend, I can recall personally having my cat mixed for for the past 2-3 years. I wont go back.
well how did you do? if you worked your ass off and didnt get shit, it would begin to get old wouldnt it, those words are easy comin from a chump who hasnt had decent result yet this year! i still love ya but rights right!
you all have valid points as far as the CC race goes, the whole Norm Zellers is something thats a non issue, and throwin crap at your fellow man is lame. the states too small to be a jerk. be cool.
That shot of Wonderwoman is hot!!
Let's focus on what's important people.
Anybody here any details on crash victims? There was a bunch piled up and a few went to the hospital in the masters race.
And I heard someone broke a femur or something in the middle of the cat 5 race, wtf?
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