Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this officially stinks now.


thats fine, dont come here any longer, the same goes for that gangster anon poster. oh but i must regress to inform you, you will return.. curiosity will get the best of your inbred mind. sorry for being so blunt but, all this negative cross shit has got our thongs in a uproar.

Anonymous said...

Cash for Chaos is officially deleted from my favorites. If you really have a problem with anonymous posts why is it that your anonymous. Start setting the example, my guess, your one of the people the trash talking was about and ran out of kleenex from all your crying.


Cash for Chaos is officially deleted from my favorites. If you really have a problem with anonymous posts why is it that your anonymous. Start setting the example, my guess, your one of the people the trash talking was about and ran out of kleenex from all your crying.
anon posts are a welcome, its what this country is made out of, freedom of speech. thats why we will NEVER NEVER stop anons. the problem is as with anything on the net, you get what we have here. we choose to stay even kiel,Were not cryin anyway's and were not mad at cha. but when full on negative attitudes begin to take over a great place we go to the heart of the matter and cut the cancer out, knuke it, chemo it and stop it before it spreads and takes over other healthy lives. we LOVE cross here as much as our faithfull readers, its just not worth the time. as much as anyone would like to think... we were never part of the targeted trash talk. Too bad we wont be graced with your presence here any longer. its a good place.

joe1265 said...


I'm going to just start writing race comments and reports over on the MCG board.

You can't respond anon, but at least there will be a commentary.

Seems TMS's doesn't have the time..........


Anonymous said...

i dont think Time is the issue here joe, My take is, its whoevers choice to do what they do. cross is cool and all, and anon is what it is. the whole thing is like floggin a dead horse. drop it cross isnt the only thing that keeps tMs tickin. I LOVE coming here for many reasons. not just cross. who knows maybe if we ask nicely they will reconsider. TEEE HEE

Anonymous said...

you fucks only wish you got the hits this blog gets. jealousy runs deep. Andy. yea thats my name. no anon here!