
with the second installmet of 2008 unsung crossers lets look at the masters field. this group is at times as much fun to watch as the elite crew, The battles have been good We have scene Ritter, Simon Bailey and DC Cameron, kevin mcgrew, and few others trading punches, but what about a few others who have steadily improved this season? And how about the ones who come out every year and never seem to age. Ok the lap time are not as fast as the elites, but it doesnt mean there not going for it. check the look on the mugs of guys like Scott Goocher of jacks, or The Giant duo of Ritter sauce and Matt B
Terry Ritter, giant michigan, terry has been around Miscne racing since the mid 90's and this year he has seemed to turn it up a tad at least on the cross level, terry is defiantly a rider to watch next weekend.
Simon Bailey wolverine sport club. This guy is one of the veterans of Michigan cross, having hung tough for many seasons in the elite group and placing top 3 and getting a overall in the T winds series for many seasons in the late 90's early 00. he later opted to go the masters and has had great success.
Keith Reige paint Creek cycles, gotta hand it to guy running bike shop and still finding time to come out and battle every weekend, Keith is a former state champion and a accomplished road race in masters cat.good money would be put on him come Dec 7Th
Mark Woliec Flyin Rhino cycling, this guys is ageless he is 50 something, a Cat1 legit roadracer, and another one of the cross from when the stork dropped it of here back in the mid 90's we have lost track on how many state masters medals he has taken. Good solid athlete and gives alotta hope to the young ins.
Eric Fernando, hammer gel, Eric is another guy who we mainly see in the fall, he was 2006 masters 35+ state champion, and also did time in the Michigan elite class. he may be tad off this season but TMS would never count him out. besides how can you not pull for guy that looks like lance Armstrongs separated at birth?
Scott Goocher. Jacks Bike shop. another shop owner out there every weekend and has been since the late 90's early 00, we don't know what he is doing this year but he has greatly improved and cracked the top 10 at least once this season. this guy may not win states but he gets the nod for most aggressive looking mug shot.
Rob Selle O2 cycling, Rob has had a couple of good rides this year and just seems to be hangin off the back of win at times, He may be the spoiler in a week.
Ron Stack, Cyclefit. Here's another shop owner racing cross every weekend. Ron is another rider that has just dangled off the podium weekend after weekend. Ron mixed it in the elite field for many seasons until the birth of his son and the buying of bike shop slowed down training a bit. he is a guy who has kept racing and life into perspective, not mention he has one of the coolest team kits on the grass the past few seasons. "surrender the booty"? can that be considered offensive?
Matt Baroli giant Michigan. matt is also a long time Miscene cross vet, sure he is pushing the late 40's but that doesn't stop him from racing down in the 35+ CAT, hell he even does it at some of the the UCI races, Matt has a good nac for timing his form correctly and this may be another season.
check back again..