Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Bike Fest, It can mean alot to many two wheel type freaks, to some its Booze, Bikini's, and Hogs, to The LMB it can be a pot luck dinner in the dead of winter, OH that's Bike feast...But to those around the Miscene it was the State championship road race, and a whole bunch of other good stuff way up in yooper land.
Tms isn't gonna go into full details of what happened, how it played out etc. lets just say in the 1/2 field Bissell didn't make it easy on the rest of the crew. The Masters Bunch was The usual suspects. I guess the reason we cant get too hyped over the whole gig was the lack of trolls that stayed below the bridge, missing a weekend in the jewel of the great lakes is a pity, too bad. Those that go know..ask Timmy finkel the dude rocked the road race, hit the XC and rolled the circuit race, The only thing he didn't do was ride back down state. TMS is in all awe of Timmy F and his sheer drive.
BIG TMS props to ya TIM!!!
Bissell & Priority had there personal war. With pay only to 5 places there wasn't even scraps to pick up. East Michigan local favs Cruise Bogiden, Tom Elias & Alan Antonuk threw down well. Top 10 placings....No payola! Props and great rides to these three.-
on a side note...
To all those Haters...Love us or despise us TMS isnt going anywhere.


Anonymous said...

Bissell & Priority had there personal war. With pay only to 5 places there wasn't even scraps to pick up. East Michigan local favs Cruise Bogiden, Tom Elias & Alan Antonuk threw down well. Top 10 placings....No payola! Props and great rides to these three.



thanks Ray!!!

we added the above to the post!!!

Timothy Finkelstein said...

Thanks TMS...as always, much love.

I can't talk up this event enough. Let's work to make it "the Sea Otter of the Midwest". It would be great to see more people up there next year.

Here's my report for those who care to read:

joe1265 said...

I second Tim's comment!!!

With this event, the racers can make this race!

Anonymous said...

thanks tms for the brief report!

Anonymous said...

Yes, burn 1000's of gallons of gas so a handful of riders can race in the middle of the UP.

Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

ok, your point is what?

Anonymous said...

Uhmm, like the Big Three business model, put a race in where it is costly (time, money, gas) to travel, it will become (already is) irrelevant.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The fields were good sizes on Friday and Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree although its a great race, and a perfect venue, in all honesty, its probably not the wisest choice when all things are taken in for a State Championship event. The field sizes were OK! not great, The 1/2 field was by far the thickest, but other cats suffered, The masters was one, I being a solid masters rider can atest the cost factor of a long weekend like that wasnt easy. Not everyone can take multiple days off work or have the gift of a job that allows alot of flex time for a hobby. I hope for the state of the miscne it stays on the calender. But not as a state championship, maybe more of a True stage race or??.

just my 2 cents

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all races should take place in the greater detroit area. Anything outside of that doesn't really matter.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all races should take place in the greater detroit area. Anything outside of that doesn't really matter.

thats not the point i was trying to make.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all races should take place in the greater detroit area. Anything outside of that doesn't really matter

No me neither, Its a great race but not a prime location IF you want the best turnout, hell i could throw a race on in a area that kicks ass, but because of its location the turnout wouldnt be cost effective. Like the one anon poster put it, everything..EVERYTHING these days, comes down to money! If its a loss its gonna be dead history. By no means would i tell anyone not to attend. I would infact hope the turnout is stellar, But for me its not cost effective at this time in my life.

Anonymous said...

I paid $30 for fuel, $75 for entry (3 races), stayed at a local's house for free, and paid probably $40 for food.

Overall, it wasn't too bad for three days of racing in a really cool town on probably the best courses/venues I'll race all year.


fair enough