Tuesday, December 08, 2009


YEP...Im back suck'as and im not mad at cha either...Nor im i gonna hold a grudge on the possible outcome of that poll to the left of the page. Im kinda thinking sceners are right, T all of the time? Very few, have what it takes to handle me for 8hrs let alone 24/365 But thats not why im here... im here to give a State championship report, instead of boring you with Jibber jabber and draggin it, T's gonna make it brief. and just call em Hot and Not
cool fools?

in no paticular order.


the course. nice change indeed

the awards in a nice big heated building with red licorice...Now where gettin somewhere

Queen Ann once again.

the masters battle ROYAL. WOLVERINEs SWARM the masses

NO snow. muddy.. but hey thats cross fools

The Black Ace's jersey.. classsy, even if its a OHIO flag.

Tim Sarri. the future

The Wiz yea he went undefeated, but whatta about last year? how many Tailwins does he have in a row?

The turnout. now where getting some where
B/C's westsiders comin east thats what i like
Steve B back at the states.
Tailwind for hostin another state championship
the evil dude handin off the cup
Marne..the future
old man of the SEA
the LITTLE PONY another year another podium
Andrew Brown stickin it out
Thats its cats im outta here
be cool, and remember.... your all in this cross thing together, to make a change for 2010 you gotta be able to change.


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