Sunday, December 27, 2009


As i sit here in a halo of discontent I feel compelled to speak some final T words of his tenner at TMS, I ponder the future of what will come of TMS, as that old bastard winter begins to tighten its grip, scneres begin to hide, those few brave warriors keep it real and bust it old school outside No matter what that Mofo dishes out. wind, cold, rain, shitty roads, numb fingers and toes only add to it.some ask why? what for? Its too cold , too wet, others make excuses, I cant take the cold, or its not that hard for you... or, i just simply dont have time, some do it for internal/external glory and goals Many do it for reason other than whats at the end of the rainbow. some just dont get it. But thats ok, you shouldnt feel like you need to get everything.... you were not put upon this earth "TO GET IT".....
Others will head to what i like to refer as T's basement, that too is respectable. Its not the body parts that go numb, NO...only the mind..But that being said, we all know the body is only as strong as the mind can make it., and Building a strong mind is harder than training the body....The 3rd party will simply re lie on what they have done from year to year, simply put some don't change. they like it and thats cooll.. As we all know nothing evolves without change. Some dont like change, no matter what ever makes you tic....I understand!
I have fully enjoyed being part of TMS, for the past few years. I like to think i helped TMS evolve in a way no other Blog has, It just goes to show you the power of what is T. I only hope for 2010 tms will continue to evolve and change for good, the road is long, and its filled with pot holes of life, but without roughs spots it would be pretty boring, I mean how long can one float before they need to tread alittle.
Yes, I know i didn't win that silly poll, but to be quite frank, After i offered my services, i had second thoughts, As i said before it takes a special few to accept what have to offer. I ain't Mad, and I hold no grudges, to you as sceners, or to TMS in general, its times like this that a person begins the journey of introspective, it may to week and it may take longer, hell a Lifetime is acceptable, without guilt. I as a friend and brother will still stay in touch with you all. My 2 cents may pop up here from time to time.
I want you all to do alittle introspective these next few weeks, the Hullabaloo of the Holiday season is drawing to a close, we all will be in the trench's for awhile, some will have it only one way.. alone, others wont go without the companionship of fellow warriors. Its at times like this as individuals we need to reflect, keep an open mind. be less quick to pass judgement, and state your opinions... be thankful for what a great life we all have, you know.. getting the chance to do, and see things many don't get to. there are certain things in life that will aways be there, this week, next month, next year, were other things simply will not be.

If you have been paying attention, you'll get my drift...

be kind cuz you cant rewind
C-ya fools



Matt said...

I heard that Fred "Sonic" Smith will be doing interviews this coming season from the grave. Any truth to this?


How about a HANK HILL interview?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hear you T and you know that I know the way of brothers. Spoken, under the cloak, basement, or coliseum, does not matter. All are home and my comfort because all carry my family. Enjoy the journey as I always do. Peace in your travels towards rest.

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Anonymous said...

Very well said Mr.T, As I sit here on 40th birthday I also think the past and the future. How I will balance kids, wife, work, aging parents, and riding. I will change because I have to. My bike is my outlet. Where ever I go Mr.T you will be with me. I will always be part of the scene and I hope you will to.

Anonymous said...

C R A Z Y ! place this michiganscene is.


I have been around the blog per say, but i have never been in a neighborhood quite like this.

Im looking for a rental so i can stick around for awhile.


I couldnt of said it better MR T.

I for one im looking forward to 2010. for good things from tms. thanks and have a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

More MEAT!


theres some downhome comin soon.

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Matt said...

No more hank hill. King of the Hill is unfortunately no longer on the tele.


ok, then how about a Matt interview? REPLY HERE AND WE'LL GET IT ROLLIN. if you do it asap, maybe T can do the interview before he leaves JAN !

Anonymous said...


Matt said...

I would do an interview but I would rather hold out to talk with Fred Smith.

Anonymous said...


no way, theres a mistake HONEST!