Tuesday, April 27, 2010

doesn't get much sicker than this.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK.. hers the story behind this ad

Greg gets invited to this HIP party with all the IN kids, he is known as the BIKE GEEK, but he has money and is always looking for acceptance along with the feeling of have having real friends. he shows up in bike GEEK clothing hoping to be cool and funny all at once, but turns out to be the opposite, as all the party go res heckle him behind his back and make him run out to get Taco's for the whole gang on Gregs own tab. he speeds off to get the grub all the while the IN kids are drinking and having in fun. when he returns they grab the goods and Greg is running from some groups around the party telling tall tales how he made the trip in PR time..


Anonymous said...

id punch Greg lemond

Anonymous said...

id punch ben whitehead