enuff of that. I love ya Pony, don't be hater!! we got enuff of those already... ride smart and B-SAFE. and most of all go easy on the Halloween candy so you can STAY HUNGRY!
Now about those strippers.. we got allot going on in up north this weekend 2 days of good stuff going on were scners rarely turn cranks at. West branch where the Hell is it, hell dunno as i ain't all that fond of camping, don't like sushi and ain't never done whippets, but that don't mean I ain't diggin whats gonna happen up north.
As far the predictions go..I ain't even looked at the start list, but if its like any other year id be laying bets down On some vacuum cleaners clearing the road. and maybe a few panthers Eaton up some left overs, Its also gonna be hard earned man type money seeing as how the pay depth for dead presidents is as shallow as those strippers... But i dunno. I have been hanging out in the basement for the last week smelling allot musty clothes, gettin sweat in my eyes , i cant see some days, and my ears are ringing.. but that don't mean much other than my brains Little foggy to speak a solid statement. I can tell you this, its weekends like this that we are gonna see who is still flinging or just spin in..
no more jibber jabber..
i gots to go
the strippers are here.
Make his fight on the hill in the early day. Constant chill deep inside.
.........the bell is going to toll for a lot of suckers on that hill up north.
you gotta love that hill at West Branch!
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