Mr T: listen up Mr Coleman just when you think it was safe to get back in it gets even more chaotic.
Gary: i hear ya. how about those MIA"S
MrT awe it aint all that bad..with the exception of those that don't hold a Miscne mailing label were all still here.
Gary: i guess your right..I even heard the rumor of the lil Horsey running wild.
Mr T : thats the facts, his time is approaching. I also caught wind of a few others coming out and stretching there legs after a long hiding..
Gary: yes sir ....the underdog was out on Saturday.
Mr T true Dat?
Gary: yes sir..raced a road race .
Mr T: come on Gary..you mean that one up the highway?
Gary: yea thats the one
Mr T: kinda of a long shot calling it road race..... no I take that back it was and it is a good venue, but we all gotta remember... we were warned its mi scene roads.
Gary: how about that scary monster riding a made for Icerace bike?
Mr T : who dat?
Gary: come on T, don't play...SIMONSTER
Mr T: you mean simonster DONT PLAY? !!
Gary: that fool guy, makes goose bumps stand up on my butt!
Mr T dam Gary loose your fright. He's cool.just talk to him!
Gary: what happened to our old MCG forum board? Now i don't have any way getting my results, and road banter..I kinda think i want a dirt bike so i can at least have place rant.
Mr T: first off Gary you got a place to rant right here..second, get yourself a dirtbike there fun, and it would be lot easier to fit you on one than a roadie ride..But ya gotta haul that bitch around ya know?
Gary: yea that's true..I guess i can bitch, complain and speak my mind here on TMS..but i dont wanna piss any homies off..
Mr T: that don't matter, no matter where you go someones gonna cry..its life, some peoples skin is thin, others aint..I always felt TMS was open to anything except pickin on yo kids..It has kinda become the underground forum for those that arent scared, to open there minds up..
Gary: Ok..but people get so offended..
Mr T thats life, here or there its gonna happen, besides when its all said and done, and there throwin Clay on the box, it aint gonna matter.
Gary: dam t you speak truth.
Mr T: I try.... but with truth comes Hatred, fear and regrets.
Gary: you T ...regret?
Mr T : everyone feels regret little buddy.
Gary: I guess your right..
Mr T : yep.
Gary: wheres Terry Tate.? .i was looking forward to another voice here.
Mr T: well, you see Gary TMS, its alot like bicycle racing, it takes dedication, perseverance, patience, and discipline. Terry was scheduled to come on as a part time only gig, And its cool, if he is just slipping from time to time.
Gary: patience, discipline? you know i never thought of that way. can you explain?
Mr T: the way i see it, think of the mind of Jedi, takes time, to learn how to do it right, the saying..Rome wasn't built in a day. is tried and true statement...Patience is a virtue, some know it.... some don't.
Gary: I still don't get your drift
Mr T: let me make it simple, you ever wonder why some guys are smoldering pieces of human flesh in our scene around mid July?
Gary: I'm seein it now. why are some still going and others are junk?
Mr T: Gary just because theres a race, doesn't mean you have to pin a number on ,or group ride doesn't mean you have to hit it. right? pick your battles choose em wisely. Its OK to say no. the athletes body is like a book of matches, use em too soon, and when you want to start a fire. Your gonna be left out in the cold. Ill use myself for an example, I shadow box, run, hit the weight pile. work on my fitness, etc..but I'm not out looking for fights on the street every weekend, But when the time comes , hopefully if i have prepared correctly... ill be ready, half of my drive is preparation, its not always the end result. Holding back is not only good in the bedroom.
Gary: now i get it. i think.. But what if they don't care about the end result? Mr T: that's fine, but everyone cares in some way..the mind and powers of Jedi are not to be taking lightly and learned over night. It takes time...
Gary: wow.
Mr T: id love to it keep rollin but i got my friends from Atlanta stoppin by this afternoon, and the crib is in need of some cleaning.
Gary: we aint done yet with this are we?
Mr T: a mans work is never done...
you gonna pick on BIG RAY NOW or what?
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