Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Miscene Celebrity Grudge match.

Battle of the Old Guys. In the Argyle corner, we give you Mike Seaman. In the green corner, you have Keith Riege. Normally you'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to see this one, but luckily Tailwind makes them race about seven hours after they've been awake. With a combined age 2 years shy of a normal day for Robert Herriman, these two sluggers are one to watch. These two have been trading blows on the bike, but its about to come to a head. Don't let these two Masters fool you. They are fierce competitors who are going to have a knock down drag out on Sunday. After all, it is the granddaddy of the Tailwind series. Mike is probably licking his chops for the snow to start falling as he excels on the white stuff on the bike and the skis. He'll be raring' to go and when these two collide in the sprint, Mike's gloves come off first. He'll get the first few good shots in and if he's lucky, he'll land a haymaker. But don't let Mr. Nice Guy Riege fool you. Soft on the outside, this guy is a samurai warrior on the inside. He will react with Swiss precision, almost robotic like. So much so that jaws will drop as they see his raw display of Power. Mike will not see it coming and will be down for the count. If I were a betting man, I would put all my Dugast on Mr. Riege.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seaman's coming back!