Anon: The final resting point for 2010 tailwind all for something cross season. Why for something and not for anything? Well because from what i hear the race promoter doesn't turn his races in to USA cycling so all the guys and gals earning "upgrade" points never get them calculated not like USA cycling gives a shit but all the same your money and license grip should go to something other than the fuel for that gas guzzling motor home and some stale 90's CD's.
The Final' My predictions? does it matter probably not. But ill voice em anyway.. just like my bunghole im sure you have yours, but normally keep your mouth shut due to repercussions. well we all know this, is TMS and its based on a bunch of opinionated jerks hiding behind false faces.
The Elite Men if the WIZ shows its his game, chicken PARMALEE may be the series winner but, the Wiz is still the favorite, IF he makes the day. The LIL PONY will surprise everyone, but about Burke, Vinny, Saari, The ACE, , Verran, Moncel... ETC....also rans. after Wednesday no one will remember who placed where other than the top spot. so be it.
Elite women..queen Anne will find here hands full, As Marne will reign supreme. nothing more nothing less, I love you Anne but time is a bitch.
Masters 35+ Joe B 2008 masters state champion, he has won once and will do it again. everyone else will be fighting for scraps, hear that Osgood, Goocher, Bailey, Stack, Bowser...
Masters 45+ DC if you dont win. It will be total disappointment among the Army, for all the beating you took on here, you deserve a state title for what its worth.
C field..fear the Beards.
B race? Its like transition it is anyones race.
Juniors, The lil Gooch kid will once again race by himself, and win uncontested.
The Day will end with cake and conversation that could be taped from last season.. would a should a could didn't do.
so long for another year.
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