Thursday, May 26, 2011

For Immediate release

As the old saying goes when one door closes another one opens up. And I gotta say this one is a welcome change. With some races getting canceled having a new one in the quiver ain't all that bad. So if you ain't into Hines TTin, and there s nothing else on the calendar.. you can put this one on yours. From what T hears it ain't no office park crit, thick dogs may have there hands full..and it probably won't be no field sprint.
So If you don't have problem going down, you might wanna hit this one up come August 7th The 1st Sylvania Ohio classic makes its appearance, presented by The Maumee Valley Wheelmen, and the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce, along with the city of Sylvania.
check back for more details to follow..
be cool fools...


Henrietta Collins said...

I bet Sylvania won't be under water

Anonymous said...

anyone that's got balls will be at Elk Grove


Anonymous said...

"anyone that's got balls will be at Elk Grove


So I guess we'll all be seeing RC in Sylvania.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whatta about kroske?

joe1265 said...

I'll be at Sylvania! Ya gotta love the MVW and their club. Despite being in Ohio, for years the club has been a mainstay of Michigan racing. Great racers, great people and sounds like it will be a great race.

PS - my wife has my balls. Been that way for nearly 20 years... ;)

Anonymous said...

Ever since kroske's PED supply dried up last year he has been MIA in the standings!

Anonymous said...

kroske = danger

eye of ghetto said...


Anonymous said...

schubel was supplying alot

Anonymous said...

how manny of those scumbugs got out clear.?

Anonymous said...

I here it's going to be called the "Sylvania Cycling Classic sponsored by Yark Subaru".

Maybe they'll give the winners of each category a new Outback or Forester.

Anonymous said...

why does the MBRA for nothing series count trackie races?

Kroske said...

PED supply... lol. Whatever makes you feel better about being beaten by a short-fat-bald man.

Anonymous said...
