MRT: hey Glenn where ya been pal?
Glenn: Dont call me pal, my MOTHER gave me a name a dam good one, i hate fuckin nick names.
MRT: Ok..well did you have a good weekend?
Glenn: yea it was tough spent some time snoopin through other peoples things.
MRT: yea, well hows that?
Glenn: I hit up this fuckin estate sale, scored some vintage knives, toys, and a pristine couch that was dated to the late 60's, it closely resembles the one at the local funeral parlor i used to work at it not the most comfortable thing, but then again they don't want to spending all night there, as normal calling hrs are a 3hr stint. It aint no Value City cheapie..
MRT:toys what kind? ya know i got some coming out this holiday season.
Glenn: I know hopefully there not made by Remco, cuz that shit is junk. I bought some Ohio art toys the makers of Etcha Sketch, i like to draw when im on the road..
MRT: well anyway what have you drawn up for TMS on the Power rankings? cant be much left, were down to a few classes.
Glenn: i have been rackin my brain on the final.. and i have to say it hasn't been easy, the level of the 2011 field is closer than it has been in years, not to mention the consistency of those that show..Im gonna take alittle more time and drop em in a bit
MRT: I hear the dead line is this weekend
Glenn: I know when it is..
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