Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Barry Roubaix

Good Gawd, fools, Haters, lovers, fakers takers, liars, and posers.I cant wait no longer..better late than never besides...aint nothing worthwhile and relevant going on here so grab your dirty jack rags and move your tired ol self off to another place....what did i just say?
To consume and digest takes blood...and just because there wasn't any gnarly crashes,or guys dying... at BRX doesn't mean it wasn't no blood bath suck'a taken punches to the gut and getting greased doesnt always leave a puddle..but any fool or hater made the trip will tell you that it wasn't no grade school carnival cake walk.
Somethings go without saying BRX has now become the UN-officail trial by fire opening to the Miscene season..I aint saying its all that and shit..but its like gettin into a cold pool without the pre-ice shower.
 So many things so few who frequent here I aint gonna bore you with my play by play..but i will say this that taker, took home a dam fat wad of cash for his day the park, more than i can say for those that took the grease matter cuz come next year it will be as thick as most sceners diet of carbon fiber.
Take it away sceners...
 Big time
Sticky sand
Cross bike
High wattage
Swamp Parking
Smooth roads
Roadie Bullshit
Pack Attack
Stragglers Galore
Skinny tires
Mud puddles
low wattage
Mountain bike
Founders ale
up chuckin
no wattage
Fat tires
Leg cramps
Hot chics
Fat bikes
wiz ss
Fast dirt
Flat tires
cross bastard
Run ups
da bunny
no money
Broken hopes
Early peaks
Road bikes
Big hills
rudy p
Heart pounding
Base miles
Blown up
Same Finish
Mahter Chill'n
parkinglot warm ups
tail gaters
Manderson Kill'n
Cold Beer
Mmmm Lil'debie
Mmmm girlfriends
I'm training
last minute
First ride
evil dude
Tandem bikes
Ugly dudes
aint easy
wiz downplays
again wtf
2 wheels
 Fat People
Fat Bikes
Fuck You
Ride Faster...........


Anonymous said...

Hater hater, hate'in haters!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

j t p

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lowell 50 upcoming?.redemption for the losers???

Anonymous said...

one can only hope

Anonymous said...