Monday, March 12, 2012


There's a sayin going around, i dont know where i scene it or heard..coulda been on the T shirt that lil shit Gary was wearing a few weeks back but that's another story..The saying? Don't Hate the Players, Hate the Game? I guess the way i see it to get proper motivation for what TMS is gonna be faced with in the weeks to come.. its befitting..Now i don't know em all and if i miss a few don't sweat it..cuz i got an old friend stopping by in a bit that's gonna drop his science on whats left, so far now its kinda like most sceners form...u got what you got..

the PLAYERS n shit

 the WOLVERINES, u no the brotherhood, once refereed to as the RED ARMY your  a wolverine always a wolverine..the numbers seem to enlarge and shrink from time to time.. but the core always seems solid..DYBO, TIMMY, The Future, Baby Huey, KROSKE, now Questionable, that LIL shit KACHELBERRY..BK, FB..add a few here and there and whole pile of up and coming... and its pretty solid..not the smartest group, but not dumbest..My Only gripe. dam big money...please for Christ sake stick with a uniform design for more than 2 season...

MCG/Trails Edge: with the heavy loss of the bunny, its gonna be the Vince and Colin show that is unless they got dirty lawyers hidn in there pockets and all the 3s got the Homie only gripe..BIG MONEY!!..GET THAT STORE OPEN DONT TAKE NO 3 MONTHS TO MOVE THAT JUNK. GITR DONE

Essex Brass: the ever shrinking...455, the Micro machine, GrayZone Han Solo..Martin REV, Will Muulins..want some advice get out of there way there going fast cuz its the only way they know..and keep your hands and feet away from there mouths only gripe..spend less time and money with those silly photo shoots, and Dam change that kit fools it s U-G--L-Y..

Lathrup/Giant: heavy on the experience, light on commitment....the Eagle, DOCSAVAGE, ROADKING, the EvilDude, BRUUUCE, and possible additions? Once the Metro powerhouse, but most recently a aged club team.the ROADKING jusy cant stop, and ED is ED..maybe this year will be different.My only gripe the dudes are fighting father time... and he is tough SOB..

Ventus. no comment.

Priority Health.: regrouped its plan and added a whole slew of  cute pre-pubescent teenagers, old pros, cutters, wild eyes, and age battling AARP farts..names like.. Gotwild, Fisher, Yankus Alan Atonick, no-longer lost cross, Young (sit down fool!!) KARWANTSOME, Damyankme..Oh my suckas.OH MY... money must b good...My only gripe..lest see u get the plan together.

Panther. U-dont wanna know

Bissell/Nuvo..etc..Westside pride, the scrouge of the west bank the HATED...u name it.. at its best..I dunno what to many watts but so little personality..but WTF Haters, take a look at your vacuum.kinda like dog owners they begin the resmble each other in both looks and actions.  enuff said.

Hagerty, like fine wine...just bcarefull when doin the group only grip..take some of that thick ass rip and pony up for some up dated threads..

Team Card: the one man wreck in crew will we see more of the infamous BLACK ACE in only gripe.. all super heroes have a cape ..

LeadmeOut : crazy bunch of fools from over there...they aint too many things that put a chill into T's bone but i gotta say..that the Krone-aken  suck'a and the HULK scares the B-jesus outta me..I mean i aint runnin but dam fools that dude is grizzle add in some new legs and learners .My only gripe..lotsa bark...lil bite..

EAst Hills: Velo: two words...WHITE-LIGHTNING..nuff said

I know i missed a few along with the also rans..but if u didn't make this list.... re-read Saturdays post and insert yo John Hancock in there..because like Creed said...THERE IS NO TOMORROW..THERE IS NO TOMORROW..THERE IS NO TOMORROW..THERE IS NO TOMORROW..THERE IS NO TOMORROW..

later hater


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Grab a gear and light one up. First to the line wins.

Hater Hater

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

aww shucks

Anonymous said...

Luv2mtb light one up then grab a beer. Firstone to the line still wins.

Hater Hater

Anonymous said...

luvs a tremendous athlete.....well just look at him

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If there is no tomorrow why train today?

Anonymous said...

good point,
fuck CREED

Anonymous said...

tms - white lighnting? wtf. a chain lube?

Anonymous said...

yea..who is white lightning?

the eye of the ghetto said...

nice recap, close but no cigar. past results are not necessarily indicative of future resluts biatch. Follow the up trend, not what happened in the past.

Assuming that is an ordered list, you best flip it upside down. wolvernices etc - steady but declining by relative measure. the little guys, on the way up.

See ya at the races. Quote this in a year.

Anonymous said...

who is white lightning?

j. m. ???


the eye of the ghetto said.

word. kinda

Anonymous said...

White lightning is jtp, watch this guy, he's got a coach.........and a power meter

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sooooo stupid.....

Anonymous said...

I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence

Gilles Villeneuve

Anonymous said...

Ben Penner, the future of Michigan cycling

Anonymous said...

still stupid. When is there going to be some relevant commentary...

Anonymous said...

hello please.

I am asking what is a "white lightning" anyway?

Anonymous said...

According to Urban Dictionary the definition of White Lightening.

Yes it is Jimmi M.

Anonymous said...

So many words, nothing said. That goes for the blog and the comments.

Anonymous said...

It is going to be a Priority Wolverine Bissell throw down this year