Thursday, April 05, 2012

TAO of T

Photobucket Sweat the small stuff: small mistake accumulate into major mistakes, learn all you can about your body, yourself, your mind, your bike, your they work together, and how they fight, be a master of defining your tools and how to work with them. remember, You are an accumulation of experience.. polish your shine, and never stop believing in yourself.


Adam said...

Have to grind to shine....or some shit.

Adam said...
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Anonymous said...

Hater hater is hating

Anonymous said...

KILL THE HATE. love you T

Anonymous said...

I follow
I walk the trail
Of my shadow
It walks ahead
Leading away
From the light
Darkness walks beside me


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


BrAdLaKo said...

Chunk, is that you.