wattage at threshold: unknown
wattage at max: unknown
resting heart rate: unknown
weight in KG: unknown
height: unknown
major wins: not many
last queen shagged: unknown
Known facts Of Kroske:
this guy isnt puttin out 400 watts at threshold, bumpin out 15 hundy out of the last corner, isnt pimpin the latest high tech carbon gadgetry, been injured more times than we know he probably wont win a single race all year. But that dont matter and in the criteria for a TMS jedi spot its not always required. What he does posses is a style, a sense of humor, and a devotion to bringing more than just results to the Waterford table. small skills that go unoticed, but not in the eyes and mind of TMS.
In honor of the first TMS Jedi. we welcome you Scott Kroske.
thanks for keeping the force alive
I don't dislike my haters, they dislike me. Hater hater
Kroske likes beer...
Length: Unknown, but All chicks dig Kroske
just sayin..
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