Friday, July 06, 2012

1.two weekends in one week i can get used to this.
2.Wheres Danny?  he's been gone for so long, do you think he will ever come home?
3.Soundtrack Artist for the week of July 1st Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
4.Gotta love all the Chinese guys riding womens department store bikes at the local loop?
5. Big Rays wins another state title..nice....
6. 3 hot ass days of crit racing in southern O-H-I-O..sceners were MIA         of sorts..
7. that kid is good..                                                im sorry HARD
8. whats up with DA Bunny and RGF?
9. Pat Robb your upgrade is ready now........just sayin
10. too bad more people don't track race....... looks fun
11. Hater Hater......... don't go away mad
12. Hard: not easily penetrated : not easily yielding to pressure 
13. Hard:  of liquor : strongly alcoholic; specifically : having an alcoholic content of more than 22.5 percent 
14. Sharks are not made............ there born 
15. Picture this: Jgood shaving his legs, over under... .................tub or shower?


Anonymous said...

I think that upgrade was ready some time ago.

Anonymous said...

yea.but now he is hard enuff

Anonymous said...

Lana Kane

BrAdLaKo said...

Jgood also shaves his ballz! Cant wait to see how his form is this fall....

Anonymous said...

Lovin The 15 Friday thing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being my hater. Thanks for wasting your time on me. I love it. Hater hater

Anonymous said...

ADAM YORK! That is all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

In regards to Pat Robb, Ive never seen someone race cat 3 for as long as he has. Never seen someone congratulate themselves more for being perpetual cat 3 pack fodder. And finally never seem someone downgrade from cat 3 to masters 3/4/5(aka the never were) and continue to congratulate themselves for mid pack finishes. Wake up, you are not a good bike racer and no one cares about your cat 3 lack luster finishes. All we see is you not willing to upgrade and accept where you really fit in.

Anonymous said...

3:07 AM
i agree, Pats a swell guy, but should man up or shut up. cuz the only one that probably cares other than himself is his wife.

Anonymous said...

I third that, can't stand the two of them yammering on and on over non accomplishments

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

who gives a fuck, its the truth, and people generally hate the truth.


Anonymous said...

Yes, he should probably STFU, until he starts winning 1/2 races.
Other than that i like Pat, and he is a good Buddie.

Anonymous said...

even smaller minds discuss and talk about themselves

Eduardo de Sa' said...

I just recently started cycling and am a few months into giving racing a shot, and love so many aspects of it, including the many many great people i've met thus far - one thing i don't love, and quite honestly don't understand, is how much bad mouthing takes place about other racers!!!

Anonymous said...

11:19 PM
dude i aint just bike racing its everywhere, any place theres competition. the bowling alley, pitching pennies behind the pool hall, you name. its the way it is Haters are gonna hate.

Anonymous said...

The only way you keep from getting your ass dropped or be pack fodder, is to step up and challenge yourself.

If that would of been the case Like many so-called "sceners" i would of stayed Cat 4. placed well top 3 often.
Moved up to cat 3 similar scenario,never winning but lotsa top 5's gathered "the close enough points" got the usually homie hook up to 1/2.
then i stepped up and made a commitment and stopped pretending to myself, got my ass handed to me for many seasons, in and out of state until I figured it out. Its a tough sport and like the last post said haters are everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

no one, I mean no one self promotes and says look at me like the Robbs, been going on a long time and needs to stop.

No one would care what he raced and was humble about it. Fact is I've raced on his team and he is one of the guys you could never count on to do one bit of work for the team. He doesn't have the ability to even do one pull. Hide mid pack all race, never work, jump out sprint 8-15 place, write about it (both husband and wife), repeat. Year after year.

Anonymous said...

one word comes to mind.


just sayin

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how petty people are. Pat is a good friend, a good guy and a good bike racer. Your derogatory anonymous remarks are not only uneducated, and unproductively negative, but they reek of cowardice. To bring Cristen, who is nothing but supportive and positive to the Michigan cycling scene, (even to those that are not her husband) is shameful. Life's too short, no one's perfect, and let's try to show a little class.

Anonymous said...

^^^bunch of low life losers is all that is here...moving on now.

Anonymous said...

...moving on now.

adios non issue.

Anonymous said...

The Robbs are the best people hands down so don't be their friends then. Do them a favor...they don't need your negativety. And they dont need people like you in their lives to bring them down. You probably wish you had a hot wife that showed up to races to cheer you on and take pictures you asshole.

Anonymous said...

nice people agree,

but with no disrespect a career cat 3 is kinda lame. especially when you constantly boast about it.
no hatin just my lame ass anon opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hey, there's a pretty sweet thread on this very thing right here:

Take your comments over there if you have the the balls.

Anonymous said...


just sayin

Anonymous said...

Straight men don't say the phrase, 'just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Jens Voigt is on Facebook.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WHO'S Jens Voigt
does he live in Michigan?

Anonymous said...

STFU and just race your bike you wannabe Pro pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you think Robb isn't humble, which I think he is, but he is a better guy that you could ever be. I bet he doesn't talk about you behind your back. Give it up.

Anonymous said...

Respect Your Haters They're The Ones Who Think Your Better Than Them

Anonymous said...

5:14 AM

Anonymous said...

there is some sensitive people on this blog OMG.

fuck let it rest.

Anonymous said...

You don't attack good people like the Robb's the haters have learned.

Anonymous said...

"Fact is I've raced on his team and he is one of the guys you could never count on to do one bit of work for the team."

You just described the whole wolverine team!

Anonymous said...

HATE, it goes with the territory.

Anonymous said...

5:31 AM

now thats DOPAGE!

Anonymous said...

I'm good friends with them and all the bragging mentioned happens on FB. As stated in the link above, it's mostly for family and stuff, so if your all offended why not just delete them on facebook and maybe your vagina will stop hurting. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

It's really nice to see they have support from so many people on here and on FB.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I just saw that Adam York is 2nd on the Michigan Challenge. Is he going to go pro next year?

Anonymous said...

i'm just glad that vs. got bought by NBC sports so we see more than 3 different commercials for 3 weeks in july. i bet the robbs agree.

Anonymous said...

Now Thats DOPAGE!

Anonymous said...

The guy is a douche, learn to carry yourself, cut down on the arrogance, stop correcting grammar and this kind of bashing won't happen. If you were that bright you wouldn't have two unmarketable degrees and have to sponge off of the state for the better part of two years. Pretty sure I remember him ranting about people being lazy and taking handouts. Pot calling the kettle

Anonymous said...

And really Pat, rip their eyes out their ass. We've all laid eyes on you. Chances of you pulling that off on anyone are slim.

Anonymous said...


Kroske said...

I love the Robbs. But then again I love ALL of you wonderfully eccentric blog-posting train-wrecks.

Now can we please start talking more about my penis...

Anonymous said...

god i love kroske!

Anonymous said...

heres my anon opinion, if you truly have passion for something,
getting dropped or having your ass handed to you...etc

will not keep you from your love of competition and the sport in general. if it does your desire was false and UN-true.

feel free to categorize me as a tms goon

Anonymous said...

His 2 degrees have landed him a pretty sweet job making more money than you will ever make! Being laid off is not sponging you fucking retard.

Anonymous said...

All bike racers are douche bags and this blog proves it. So glad I'm no longer involved in this sport.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:01 PM

your douche bag status still apply s all the same.

Anonymous said...

Chances are, this is only one person hating on Pat and that person is a sociopath who can look him straight in the face and act his friend, then stab him in the back. You need counseling and prob to get laid. Oh, and your wife probably left you too.

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, where to start. I got wind of this jabbering via bookface and had to check it out. A setting very synonymous to the high school cool guys who still frequent the local shit bars, talk about the good old days, and make excuses about why they are still working at the oil change/burger king/cell phone store (sorry bryan, lol), but how they "got a plan" and are "going back to school".
Sure, Pat likes to talk about how he does in bike races. I'm sure you never wrote a meaningless race report either... Sure, Pat is a cat 3. You were once as well... The dude is twice the age of most people on here and the fact that he is doing ANYTHING mildly athletic puts him miles ahead of the average 40-something in this festively-plump world. And to be honest, riders like him are what keep this sport alive. What have you done for the sport you "love"? I have lost count of how many new riders Patrick has brought into the sport. I doubt your "you aren't shit until you are winning meaningless midwest 1/2 races" attitude is inspiring LOTSA people to try something new, or progress from where they are currently at. So what, he likes to let people know how he's doing. Do you have friends/family outside the cycling "scene"? If you are so high and mighty and clearly a God amongst the cycling community (and obviously have some contract with a large Professional outfit) you should have no problem dismissing his puny comments and focus on your big important career as an "almost-was". Because frankly, unless you are getting paid to do this, you are, and always will be, an "almost-was", just slightly higher up the shit-slope.

Anonymous said...

What's even more sad is that a majority of this shit talk is likely from his own TEAMMATES, who smile to his face while stabbing him in the back. I would know, as i was a wolverine and bore witness to numerous jam sessions about Pat and Cristin, that was, until they came around and then it was all smiles. Now that's the mark of integrity and true character. I'm not saying everyone on the team, as most are great guys, but there are a few jems amongst the bunch.

To be honest, Patrick and I have had our differences at some point but when we did, I rode up to him and told him right to his face. I may not agree with some of the things he chooses to do, but at least he heard it from me. I didnt post on here under some cloak of whatever. If all of these anon's are such studs and people we should aspire to be, please, let us know who we should model our role after. I cannot believe all the "anon" posts filled with such passion but unwillingness to take credit for their feelings. But frankly, the truth is they won't and we all know that, as evidenced by the track record this website has. Cycling, for these few "anons", is what defines them, what puffs their chest, whats gives them a feeling of self-worth and they'll be DAMNED if someone else is having fun doing THEIR joint on THEIR watch. Without it, they are just another nobody, living in mediocre-ville and a true narcissist would never let that happen. For the rest of us, this is a HOBBY that just so happens to occupy a large amount of our free time, but when we aren't riding we are probably making much better use of our time than finding another target to fuel our empty hole of self-confidence (And yes, i will enact my hypocrite card as this took longer than 5 minutes to compose.)

So, hate on, and one day you too will be able to sit in some shit bar, talking about the good ol' days, and about how you "almost made something of yourself if it weren't for a/b/c", and how lame that one guy was for reason x/y/z. The only difference is that you'll be talking to yourself because eventually people grow up and take pity on the narrow minded, much similar to disgust we feel for yee-haws yammering on about naggers/jews/etc. Unfortunately the growth curve for some cyclists seems to be slightly delayed as these misfits are clearly still in their "glory years".

Oh, and lastly (again), grow some testicles. If you are going to be man enough to slander (libel? whatever) another, then own it.I mean, they are your opinions that you took the time to express. Step up, you sallies.

Jason Mulawa

Anonymous said...

(and TMS, dont blame your grammatical incompetence on you being "busy" and on the move. the mistakes you make are akin to misunderstanding there/their/they're, which demonstrates your level of education, not your "hectic schedule of hating")

Anonymous said...

Let's move on people.... it's time to put this to bed.

Anonymous said...

Yep, looks like the Robbs won this one!

Anonymous said...

put this to bed, fuck that, it's long over due. No one likes the guy period. There are plenty of people who race and never catch shit because they know how to act. You reap what you sow. Nobody has ever caught this much shit and it is not a coincidence. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to voice displeasure in their bullshit. I shouldn't hate though. Pat is a very smart guy and a great racer, just ask hime, he'll let you know

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"no one likes the guy"? Have you seen all the support in his defense?

You lost this one asshole, get over it!

Anonymous said...

i agree.
phony bag of sheet

Anonymous said...

Yep. The Robbs are awesome ppl.

Anonymous said...

And they have been nothing but good to me and my family and for bike racing as a sport.

Anonymous said...

this is stupid

Anonymous said...

(and TMS, dont blame your grammatical incompetence on you being "busy" and on the move. the mistakes you make are akin to misunderstanding there/their/they're, which demonstrates your level of education, not your "hectic schedule of hating")

nice jab


Anonymous said...

Accurate jab tho.

Anonymous said...

Accurate jab tho


Anonymous said...

You roadies are a bunch of idiots. Who cares if someone is not a CAT 1/2 and is doing well and happy racing their bikes. If your not making a salary racing your bike, then you are a nobody. Period.

Anonymous said...

Who cares?
i do when some lunk head has the horse power of 5.0 mustang crammed into a 74 Pinto chassis, jams his fuckin brakes on in 30 mph corner.

thats a problem.

Anonymous said...

Patrick Robb via FACEBOOK

Looking forward to the weekend's races where I hope to get a sweet 8th to 15th place and I'll celebrate it here on Facebook like winning the Super Bowl. And you'll be forced to see all of it. Feel free to comment, but make sure your comments are grammatically correct. Hopefully you'll get all mad because I'm having FUN!

He continues to poke the bear.....

Anonymous said...

its a non issue now.

Anonymous said...

Good for him! He doesn't give a fuck about what probably one person who is a loser thinks!

Anonymous said...

I haven't said anything bad about the Robb's, but I do NEED to get laid.

Anonymous said...

truth stings, keep telling yourself it's one person

Anonymous said...

Seems like more ppl are for supportive of him then against him. Just sayin..

Anonymous said...

truth stings, keep telling yourself it's one person

boy isn't that the truth.

Anonymous said...

Ill admit I'm a little jealous of what he has, but I think he's a great person, so he deserves it.

Anonymous said...

This type of hating is exactly why your wife left you. Truth stings doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

what he has?


Anonymous said...

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then I'm not fucking telling you you low life loser. Go to a therapist and pay for it!

Anonymous said...

fuckin relax poser

Anonymous said...

Im relaxed. Just smoked a big fatty...

Anonymous said...

good deal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Haters and jealous misfits are the ones who will broadcast loudly your failures and whisper your successes. HATER HATERS.

Anonymous said...

everybody's shuffling