Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Fifteen

1.Danny keeps lurking beneath the surface..
2. wonder what Blairs doing?
3. It aint over until you eat a deep fried Snicker and they measure the pig with the biggest balls
4. Bloomer park crazy days..was it worth it?
5. Cross rumor: masters 35+ get the hour they craved
6. snorting Zot dust... can that be considered doping?
7. NRC pros in your backyard, NRC pro's at your State Championship
8.  Now the season gets Hard
9   Milford where   the futures of Michigan cycling come together
10. The Wiz comes up for air.. and rides around breathing...WTF?
11. Parmachicken gets nipped by Simonster
12.Good news No one got shot in Flint. But someone stole my gearbag WTF?
13. Rumor: i can hang with those guys..
14. MBRA point series is anyone focusing on it?
15.Overheard: Racing is so easy now a days guys are doing 2 or 3 in one day..


Anonymous said...

I wonder if there'll be a Mt Pleasant race in 2013?

Anonymous said...

And boom goes the dynamite!
Couldn't handle all the soft gushy posts lately, could you 4:53?

Anonymous said...

Breaking the law, breaking the law.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Mi Scene and readers, how deep we have to go in the P1/2 on Sunday to get to the state champ?
Who's stepping up?

Anonymous said...

I think 4:53 is referring to the news that the Lisa Hadden has resigned from her job as CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, which was the organization behind the event.

Anonymous said...

wow hot soup

Anonymous said...


pro 1/2 race 1hr +2 its gonna be a blood bath. top 20 for any respectable scner will be a good ride. but i wouldn't rule out one of our guys getting in the top 10

just sayin...

Anonymous said...

I like Kid A, but I'm not sure if he has enough gear. Gonna be a spin fest for him. I'll throw out T Burke as the Scene winner. He's got the horsepower and I am guessing those Lathrup dudes are looking to bag every jersey from he 45+ on down.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of this weekends Dope Show. Hell yeah, gettin me some of that good shit!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It will be the smart riders who will prevail, meat heads will burn too many matches for the slug fest. This is a race on which wheels you follow more so than attacking. Certain guys dont understand that mentaility.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just fucking race you bunch of bitch-ass-whinners.


Anonymous said...

Doping control is here in GR. All you fuckin cheats either stay home or get caught.

Anonymous said...

one word


Anonymous said...

Who will be preregistered for GR and then be a no-show? Dopers will!

Anonymous said...