Monday, July 02, 2012

Sith number One

Without evil there is no good..
He is secretly respected, and  hated anonymously . He has been a figure lurking throughout the "scene" for more years than rightfully know.From dirt and dust strewn Hot laps, to week after week eye crossing lactic acid pulls at Waterford, his tactics and  wattage are questionable,There is no doubt he is skilled with the many weapons of wheels, over the years he has hardened himself in a unorthodox way..but then again who are we to question the way hardening.

 "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering"

without a formal introduction TMS is proud of Sith number one.


Anonymous said...

Love your haters. Hater hater

Anonymous said...

Don Cameron... "Break Killer"

Anonymous said...

4:45 love it

Anonymous said...

i thought mountain bikers knew how to go around corners properly. whoever let this guy ride in a 1-2 race should probably reopen the rule book.

Anonymous said...

DC may be many things, but bad around corners? Really? I'll pay more attention. M

Anonymous said...

DC aint bad

Anonymous said...

I think I can some up 98% of comments. We all suck.


Anonymous said...

good point

We all suck. but its fun..right?

Anonymous said...

DC vs a pack of Greyhounds.

Who yah got?

Anonymous said...

fuckin DC hands down

chunky dunker said...

This is so perfect! But Sith only come in 2's... So is DC the Master or the Student? Either way, I love DC. Dude has so much power he should be sponsored by the Detroit Edision!

chunky dunker said...

This is so perfect! But Sith only come in 2's... So is DC the Master or the Student? Either way, I love DC. Dude has so much power he should be sponsored by the Detroit Edision!

Anonymous said...

break killer,love it. better than a wheel sucker any day though. make em breaks ride hard

Anonymous said...

My vote for his apprentice is Don Cummings, same type of rider but younger. The initials match and so does the consistent horse power.

(I prefer a different nickname, T should be able to do better.)

Anonymous said...

speaking of the alternate to DC..IE Don did that guy get his 1/2 upgrade?

Anonymous said...

Ummm 2 man-60 mile break in a P12, had a minute thirty lead with 20 to go, held off a Bissell train with a guy who doesnt hit 135 soaking wet. The question should be, why did it take so long for him to upgrade.