Friday, September 07, 2012

1.Panther there bite is worse than there bark
2.das German proves he really didnt care..'
3.Erie st. what scared sceners off?
4. Love on the rocks, Panther/RGF
5. The Evil dude is out with a bumb wing
6. Hater OG
7. Timmy F resurfaces
8.  DARKO......nuff said
9.  Sept, when roadies get dirty
10. Paul Martin is in that move.. it probably wont stick..
11. KOLO-TC the new Miscene.
12. DYBO winning on Erie st NICE.
13. Labor day isnt the same without the Merrill Collins  Casey Manderfield duel
14 The Lathrup dude with no socks was flyin
15. Bissell MIA in the final week
16. The Bunnie wins without winning
17. JACKSON Enrique..the future
18. The Battle of he Burg..better live up to its hype...
19.California John wins again.
20.SJD gets 3rd
21.Arm pit returns..
22.pull through fool..
23 wheres the Turbo Diesel ?  
25. TMS cant count either..


Anonymous said...

Hating hate of hater's hatred. Hater hater

Anonymous said...

much love tms

Anonymous said...

Weeeeeee Haaaaaaaaa!!!

Anonymous said...

#3 you did, with your post on how lame the payout was.

Anonymous said...

12:32 AM
your correct


people hate it