We just wanted to through out a kwick thank you to all those that made the road scene/dirt side
a success these past nine months. It doesnt matter who you are you contribute, lovers, haters, good, bad, positive, negative etc...The site has seen a record avg number of hits since the start of 2012 Not one for
numbers but over 12K in August alone. We know its not for everyone.. but just like many things in life that's OK. Watch for a complete road wrap up in the weeks to come.
Thanks again
thanks to jtp
TMS is rad.
Suck the Wolverines and jtp's balls HARD!
12:47 AM
i must admit your shtick is getting old. It was funny for awhile, now its not. go ride your bike
jtp is the reason for the hit increase. tms and jtp have a symbiotic relationship.
Just for done riding. Suck Wolverine and jtp's balls HARD sceners!
That's funny since you're a Wolverine.
I'm not a wolverine! Suck on that! Suck suck suck!
Yeah you are. And a douche. Major douche.
Agreed. Someone who obsesses over other people this much has got to be an uber douche.
Hate hate. Hater hater
You are on to me! I'm a douche, loser, suck at bike racing, never get laid, have no money. Damn you boys are good.
You just summed up the entire continuous rant on here of JTP!
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