Thursday, November 15, 2012

Power rankings SS

I sat gave it some thought..thought about how i was going to wing this shit..and i came to the decision sometimes but not always..actions speak louder than numbers.the singlespeed group is a crazy rejects from hell..I get the simple bikes..a place were simplicity counts.. and to some dudes its there only shtick but for others its the end of the day..a good excuse to get some extra training in, another "filler" update for there social network and with all honesty its im gonna have some fuckin fun with this power ranking shit...

1. Bob Wydra: First..plain in simple the dudes bike is bad ass..sometime a sense of style makes up for mediocre performance..and this dude wins..besides that this guy turns himself inside and out racing everything but the big dogs.variety but still the Quisp.which is actually the Meier brand SweetnCrunchy..which is basically MrT  crunch...sometimes he is such a bloody pulp he has to walk 60% of the course and to me thats fuckin metal..

2.Mike Seaman: ditto..this bastard looks like Wydra feels..they dont get any crustier than Seaman. he has a sense of style that i wish i could obtain..I can only imagine a lifestyle that would go along with the look..I know Mikes a good dude..but he just has that "i sleep in my truck, eat tree bark and Grape Nuts for breakfast wash it down with a mouth full of jack.. and bust out 4 hrs on some Gnarly north country fire road.."  i like Mike!

3.JB..i gotta give this guy some  lovin..years have gone by he now is a man..and SS maybe his home..and I think it fits him quite nicely singlespeeds are simple just like JB....kinda like frosted flakes everyone likes only gripe is he needs to loosin the sphincter a tad and let love in..stop dissin TMS..they push you more than I push muther fuckers off the stage at Harpo's

4.Rich Stark.Ok he is leading the series he is the real winner but he just doesn't have the a box of Honey Combs..dont lie you see it and think hm Honey Combs HMM but theres others out there that are more appetizing..sure if your stuck on a desert island you grab Honey combs the old mainstay..Rich is kinda like Honey combs he's good for the second choice.. he rides well ..well enough to win..but he needs put more style in the box than orange gloves to get my money bucks..

5. Wayne Cook: only cuz i like Wayne..he rides Ss everywhere and he is quite good at it for a guy his size..too much Super Sugar Crisp will do that to ya. its good like a single speed i could chomp on that shit everyday but the sugar content in those puffs can add up. I can picture him snacking on those lil puffs on thos epic 100 enuff and you can power yourself up any fuckin knee breakin climb..I like you Wayne always have..... always will...


Anonymous said...

Wayne is truly one of the nice guys out there...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Surly Bastard said...

Where's the Chunky-Dunker? If you're talking about being simple and riding a single speed there's your fuckall poster boy. I'm also having a Bob W Supporter Jacket made for Worlds.

Paynful said...

Schaffert has been tearing it up this year in SS also...

Anonymous said...

the chunky dumper is comin later


Surly Bastard said...

Chumpy dumper ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

+1 Wayne.

Anonymous said...

Paynful hit the nail on the head. Schaffert will be the 2012 SS state champ. You heard it here first.

Anonymous said...

osgood needs to come locked and loaded

Anonymous said...

I used to think Wayne was a pussy, but then I saw his fucked up knees from skiing. Wayne is good people. Get out of your own way; you rolling fine.

Anonymous said...

As for Seaman. . .
you have no idea.
20 years and counting, motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

whats that supposed to mean 20yrs and counting?

Anonymous said...

guys that cant ride road anymore swtich to mtb. when they start getting beat at that they switch to SS. ...Then fat bikes, then wheelchairs.

Anonymous said...

SS is a copout

Anonymous said...

Road is for people that cant turn and want to sit in on a wheel, PUSSY"S

Anonymous said...

11:07 PM
tell that to.
DG Lion of leroy, shrek williams, Fisher anderson,foshag etc.