Tuesday, March 26, 2013

TAO of T

You Cant hide a fake suicide and the drift isnt easy to get..if it was we all would be really good..but shit aint like that..so the saying goes
 ignorance is bliss...
what the hell as long as your happy..


Anonymous said...

Im not quite sure i get your drift today T, but if it makes you happy.

I just have to make a comment, I will do it here because i suspect more people will see this. its concerning the KOLO-TC post of today. "Five Lessons From Barry-Roubaix 2013" but to be more exact # 3. true Bissell is tough and times. and they have showed it, true Anderson was 2nd and Diekema was third. But im not sure where this dude gets his info.
From what i overheard from the guys in the break Bissell DID not neutralize the group. Infact Lam, Diekema and Vanias with no disrespect did very little as they should, but they didn't neutralize it. It was guys like Simonster, Wakeley,Korienek Parmelee who would try to close it down but due to the conditions they couldn't and the fact they had almost a dozen solo guys sitting in and were happy or content with racing for 3rd. Not to mention the wrong turn they made and the pure strength of Lindine and Anderson it wasnt coming back. In the end it Came down to the road guys contesting a sprint Diekema narrowly beat Foshag.

I think that's more the way it went down Im not hatin because i like KOLO-TC if you really want to make your blog better take some time do some research talk to more riders and but get the facts straight

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doit right doit wrong. Either way this place is gonna
Talk about you. Do what makes YOU happy. Fuck em...Fuck em all.

Anonymous said...


there's too much half ass shit in this world to add to it.

Anonymous said...

it's like the weather

things are gonna change
it doesn’t matter if you want them to or if you’re ready for it
especially when you grow to expect things

Anonymous said...

you create limits for self that fall short of logical limits of reality as you live, grow & learn of life
anytime someone or something breaks those limits you will also break or @ the least you will crack

Anonymous said...

Those nipples are PIERCED!!!

Anonymous said...

7:25 AM
now thats DOPAGE!

Anonymous said...

Where's the pony?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SIMONSTER is a deuche. He pulled some shitty stuff at Iceman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Takes one to know one eh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“I hated all my life. I hated everybody. When I first grew up and can remember, I was dressed as a girl by mother. And I stayed that way for two or three years. And after that was treated like what I call the dog of the family. I was beaten. I was made to do things that no human bein’ would want to do.”

- Henry Lee Lucas

don't let this be you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fuck you if you doubt me
Fuck everybody


Anonymous said...

10:42, do tell?

Anonymous said...

Jesus is just alright

Anonymous said...

"Nobody neutralizes Simonster"? Really... get off his dick already.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amen. Get off his dick already!

Henrietta Collins said...

You guys always miss what's right in your face. How about the big ol sloppy tits with barbells in them? I'd rather discuss those punching me in the face than Bissell.