Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesdays with Lemmy

First off..Can you believe it?  the sixth week of Tuesdays with me..I know your not liking it..and to be flat faced honest im a little disappointed in you rocknrollers.. I thought you were tougher than that..ya know..speaking for myself..Having lived hundred years or maybe more i love learning  new things and being enlightened  I always have my eyes opened..I wasn't brought here to serve you hatred, disrespect or shock you with my views on life..but rather have you help me... learn and understand..I know my image, looks,stature and lifestyle make people uncomfortable..but i don't see myself as a monster of rock..and i don't plan on leaving anytime soon, this silly thing aside..Ive been rocking long before  you were here and i still be rockin long after your gone..
With that being said...whats up with Fondo's?..help me understand i kinda know, and kinda have an opinion but..maybe i can be swayed..I mean i understand the term i think..."Big organized ride"..right? But im confused with numbers and the whole timing of the event..isn't that more like a race?..Ive witnessed a few and those blokes on the front line looked locked and loaded filled to the gills with T....Ive even heard some give prizes..even grip..good lord what is going with this sport..?..Is this just another way to water down the level of competition and allow for new exciting levels of measurability?  expand my mind maybe its all good...maybe im everything you think i am...


Anonymous said...

lemme your an idiout

Anonymous said...

Alot of people filled to the gills with T!

Anonymous said...

"new exciting levels of measurability"

Best line on here in awhile

Anonymous said...

I always tell people, bike races aren't like running a 5k. Nobody signs up just to finish.

Fondo's = 5k's.

Biking for people that want a participation ribbon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But the society we live in, everyone wants to feel special. Look at the expert MTB trophy hunters. Bet they like to gran fondo.

Anonymous said...

i agree i cant figure those two out.

Anonymous said...

Good guys, strange egos.

Anonymous said...

Probably orders from the ring leader Dave Massey...

Anonymous said...

Grand Fondo's are stupid and so is MTbing!

Anonymous said...

The Fondo convo and expert mtb winner talk are one in the same. Racing is about where you finish in regards to the person that wins. If you aren't racing Elite you are participating in a bike event. I am not sure how you could be happy "winning" expert knowing you are the best guy your age to chicken to see how you measure up. Fondos are the same lots of built in excuses and no need to bother yourself with why you can't hang

Anonymous said...

As long as people are getting out on their bike, I don't care how they do it. "If you ain't elite, you ain't shit" - got some news for you, even if you're elite, you ain't shit. WGAF?

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM
now that's DOPAGE!