Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday with Lemmy

Having been around multiple facets of multiple activity's in multiple places in my life..I have been wondering a thing or two about a thing or two.. Before i speak..I am in no mood today to stir the Iron Kettle of turd stew..but In the opinions of the ever fun loving loyal readers of this boring ass disgusting place....would you say..do you think.. the state of Michigan in a whole, that being race choices, venues, disciplines caliber of riders, (IE skill level personalty's, and yes..over all humans)  field depth and general quality of this somewhat isolated peninsula  is as good, or better, or worse.. than say seven years ago? Don't over think it.. but opinions, gripes, two cents and just quickies are valued in order to keep sometime keen eye readers on top of there game....

Love Me Forever..


Anonymous said...

Too many races, thinning out the herd. Riders and races are up. Riders/race probably down.

Anonymous said...

I agree.. Seems like more races, smaller crowds.. At least in MTB...

Not sure about the road.. Would like to do a road race, but seems like 40 Crits, 3 RR per year..

The cross scene in MI is just lame..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One observation... seems like people are getting bored with laps. A lot of the races that are growing don't have laps. It takes a little more effort on the promotors end, but I think people feel like their getting a little more for their money.

Anonymous said...

the level of competition is much harder than 7yrs ago. At least on the road.

Anonymous said...

Scene is getting better. I see more people on bikes every day.

Anonymous said...

DOPAGE! is up.

Anonymous said...

Laps are not bad but no spice added to the venues each year. Why not mix up some sections, add a slip and slide. Maybe even a cyclo-cross section or 2. Promoting isn't easy but do something different. (Example: Waterford changed its finish. Wasn't anything spectaclor but it fun and changed up some tactics for once with a really fast finish.

Anonymous said...

Teams like Einstein, Bissell, East Hills, PH are keeping the level at a high. that's Good.

Its an awesome in state rivalry.

Anonymous said...

15 Bissells in the 1/2/3 field Saturday. Fucking joke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The "cream" is still at the top on the road, but the depth is much weaker than two years ago.

Anonymous said...

Michigan is the weakest of quality figuring Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

9:11 PM

Anonymous said...

The very top guys are at the same or higher level than 7 yrs ago. The guy at the median is at a lower level. The back of the field is way weaker than before. And the fields are smaller. Partly due to dilution more races. Also lots of losing interest, motivation, or time to commit.

The womens fields are ridiculously small. Races with 1500 payout 8 deep only get like 4 entries - WTF???

Anonymous said...

The women's fields are ridiculously small. Races with 1500 payout 8 deep only get like 4 entries - WTF???

totally the women's field is the sorriest in existence across the board.

Anonymous said...

10:18 PM

Then get your wife or girlfriend into bike racing, If you have one!

Anonymous said...

All you boys bitching about woman's racing makes you sound like a bunch of vaginas.

Anonymous said...

the races and the quality of races is like 10x better than seven years ago.

I remember once, something like 2008, and the season started with 6th Ave RR, Cone, Kensington, West Branch and another RR I'm forgetting and I heard a guy say "when are we going to race a crit?".

There is such a great diversity of races and the level of support and organization is incredible. Maybe too good - but most of you won't understand what I'm saying, you'll just keep bitching about *the scene*

yada yada blah blah no payout blah blah women jada jada blah.......

Anonymous said...

I love the people complaining about Bissell putting soo many riders in the 1/2 field. If it was the Wolverines do you think everyone would feel the same?

Anonymous said...

You mean like at Waterford and when they race for second. Or third or 4th or 5th. When is the last they won there with 10 plus guys?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:46 PM posted this blogs most poignant comment ever

Anonymous said...

4:25 pm. If it's poignant, then why are the participant levels down across the board?

Why also are the field depths down?

Next up...

Anonymous said...

errybody lack that balance

they either don’t kno how to love themselves w/o constant love from others or have too much love for themselves & won’t allow anyone to love them on a consistent basis

Anonymous said...

@ 1:46 PM. You forgot Frankenmuth. I also remember that person bitching about RR and couldn't wait for the crits to start.

Although I'd hate to see it, if some of the less interesting races disappeared *cough btr *cough, I think that interests in the remaining good races would perk up.

As far as the quality of races. In some regards, its getting better, others not so much. Although the hike was a bitch, Superior bike fests RR was on the verge of Epic, riding through the fog while winding down some road next to an old mine. That was way more fun then the almost square course of Frankenmuth. Look at the crits down in Ohio like Grandview (old hilly course) Mederia, Hyde Park, or RRs down there like Zoar. Not only are the fields tough, the course itself adds to the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Crits suck....period!

Anonymous said...

Too many races, water the field down. So many of us are double duty racers IE MTB road etc. its hard to keep track of whats when and where?

In my opinion if you are going to have a point series. Make it worth while. Its like some races count others don't. I know you cant stop the promoters from doing there thing but..cut the number of races and make em all count for the overall.

Anonymous said...

Crits suck! Need more road races!

Anonymous said...

self absorption be the root & trigger to all negativity

Anonymous said...

Mt. Borah (orange cursh) is doing great. Many teams have stepped up with fit riders and good game plans. Even 02 is winning. And we all know winning ain't easy.