Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Triple T Tuesdays

Not Velonews and the Vn ticker, isnt the Top Banana, aint the Friday 15..nope..Its My 3T Tuesdays...just another stupid list..and I am gonna do it my own opinionated way..whether anyone gives two shits...don't have the details completely Ironed out as of yet.. just gonna wing it as the weeks pass..but when I do they will be posted...who knows..may not even make it a full twelve.... being  as i am a indecisive chip off the old turd stirring block of my alter ego Lemmy himself.....results, podiums and cross are not the main driven focus for the next twelve weeks... but they do count for the most.  Total point standing will be kept, and posted often.. or when I feels the itch..If all comes together the winner will get a cheap TMS gift..but that being said the  recipient shouldn't count on it until its in his/her hands..
In all actuality like most TMS post its stupid, worthless and weak all the while composed in such a horrific grammar like way that it will probably make other shit post look golden..

So don't take it too serous folks use your imagination and just have some fun with it..

week 1
1.T Burke
2 Sven B
3.A York
4.J Wienert
5.B White
6.S Hoffener
7.P Russell
8.M Simonster
10.J Black Ace
11. A.Vanias
12.C Bastard


Anonymous said...

#8 is becoming a cherry picker

Anonymous said...

#3 is a raper

Anonymous said...

#8 per his blog is traveling to 2 national events over the next two weeks...

Anonymous said...